latest Newsletter from Linda the Rector

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas
Hello Everyone

There has been a hive of activity on the Green today with stall holders preparing the scene for a fun village get together at the 'Light Up Toddington event this evening', from 4-7pm. Today has been wonderfully sunny with clear blue skies but it promises to be cold this evening so do please wrap up warm! I look forward to the children singing and the buzz of people meeting and greeting each other, whilst enjoying the fun, as the scene is set for a build up to Christmas. The Parish Council have arranged to illuminate the church this evening, which will provide a rather special backdrop (Thank you!). Besides music, stalls and entertainment on the Green, there will also be craft stalls and refreshments in Wilkinson Hall. Toddington is such a pretty village but it always looks extra special lit up and decorated for Christmas.

This afternoon I attended the Royal British Legion AGM and I just want to say a huge thank you to the Toddington Branch for all their help and support with church commemorative and remembrance events and for their slick organisation of the annual Remembrance event on the Green and the poppy collection, which draws us all together so effectively, to Remember. We are very fortunate to have a village branch of RBL and I am keen to support them.. so I encourage you, to please consider becoming members, or supporters, so our local branch can stay strong and effective (contact John Wood, or Melanie).

Chalgrave's Pop Up Tea Room on Wednesday at Tebworth Memorial Hall was another special moment this week with a full hall and lots of conversations shared over delicious cake, or hot soup. Thank you so much to the catering team for all their hard work. And, thank you to Toddiington team for catering this evening, and very soon at the Christmas Tree Festival. Do please link with Dee about any Christmas Tree entry queries.

This week I also had a musical treat at Sunday's Young Musician of the Year competition with young musicians of great talent taking part. I was amazed by the quality.. and on Tuesday evening, Nigel and I had another treat at the concert of Choral Music and poetry at Bedford school, organised by Nicholas Hopton in aid of Movember. Such a musical blessing.. with us leaving uplifted by the talents of pupils and teachers, and the choir, who took part. I am looking forward to hearing more singing this evening from the school choir and representatives.

With a Christmas Theme in mind.. for your is a list of the forthcoming Christmas events and services at Toddington and Chalgrave churches during December:

December Services and Events:

Chalgrave Church

Sundays 3, 10 and 17th December     Holy Communion Service, 9.30am

Wednesday 13th December           Christmas Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall 11am - 1pm

Saturday 16th December              Carols by Candlelight Service, 6pm

Sunday 24th December               Benefice Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church, 11am

Christmas Eve, 24th December         Crib Service, 2.30pm  Midnight Mass, 11.15pm

Christmas Day, 25th December         Benefice Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church, 10am

31st December                       Benefice Morning Praise Service, Toddington Church, 11am

Toddington Church

Friday 1 December                   Christingle Service with the children at Toddington St George School.

Saturday 2 December                Christmas Concert, Linsdale Singers, 2.30pm, Toddington Church

Sundays 3, 10th, 17th December      Holy Communion Services, 11am Toddington

Mondays 4,11,18th December         Morning Prayer, 9.30am, Toddington Church 

Friday 8 December - 7pm             Christmas Tree Festival Preview Evening, Toddington Church.

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th December  Christmas Tree Festival Toddington Church, Saturday 11.5pm, Sunday 1-5pm, ending with Carols. Refreshments available in Wilkinson Hall

Thursday 14th December             Christmas 'Messy Church' 3.30pm Wilkinson Hall

Friday 15th December                Scout Carol Service, 7pm, Toddington Church.

Sunday 17th December               Toddington Band Christmas Concert 3pm, Toddington Church

Monday 18th December              Nine Lessons and Carols service, 7.30pm, Toddington Church

Tuesday 19th December             Parkfields School, Christmas Carol services, Toddington Churcc

Wednesday 20 December            Toddington St George Lower School Christmas Carol service, Toddington Church

Sunday 24th December              Benefice Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church, 11am

Christmas Eve (Sunday)             4pm Crib Service, and 10pm 'Midnight Mass', Toddington Church

Christmas Day (Monday)            Benefice Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church 10am

Sunday 31st December                Benefice Morning Praise Service, 11am, Toddington Church

This week's services and events:

Sunday 26 November - Christ The King Sunday

9.30am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11am Holy Communion, Toddington Church

Monday 27th November

9.30am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

2pm Seated Pilates, Wilkinson Hall

Tuesday 28th November

10.30am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

5.45pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 29th November

Rest Day

Thursday 30 November

Rest Day

Friday 1st December 10.30am Painting For Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall

No Ploughmans lunch this month!

Looking forward to seeing you to catch up sometime.. perhaps at a Christmas Service, or perhaps over a glass of mulled wine, or a hot cuppa this evening.

Keep warm and look after yourselves.

God bless



Toddington and Chalgrave

07715 603557