Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

What a beautifully sunny autumnal afternoon this has been. I hope you are managing to enjoy some sunshine and have emerged from the heavy rains ok. I nearly changed my school assembly theme last Thursday to Noah's Ark as it seemed very fitting after the storms the night before!! But like Noah's Ark, the sun came out and there have also been some splendid rainbow sightings. So as our spirits rise with the warmth of the sun, so we can share God's hope and encouragement that better days are ahead.

Many people will be reassured this week that the rate of inflation is down (albeit slightly) and we pray that souring costs will settle and families' and business' finances will stabilise. It is heartbreaking to hear stories about families' struggles to put food on their tables, and of the huge number of families on Universal Credit who are struggling to buy food for the month, whilst other bills are so high. Food banks are experiencing a huge uptake in demand for food, which includes families where both parents are in work. With this in mind, our harvest services next week will be collecting food for the foodbanks, and fresh fruit and vegetables for local families and for the Noah project which provides meals for the homeless.

It seems sensible, going forward, for the church to become a resource hub for offerings of home grown produce - especially as many families are struggling to buy fresh fruit and veg. The church building is open each day during daylight hours and we can easily put out a table to receive people's food offerings so others can pop by to select and take food that they need. A bit like recycling to avoid waste.

We will be decorating the churches for harvest next Saturday morning and are happy to receive any harvest donations that morning, or during the morning Harvest services. We hope you will be able to share one of the services with us.. and please invite a friend too! The Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 30th September at 5.00 pm. All Welcome, but please let Sandy or Dee know you are coming for catering numbers (see attached letter).

Messy Church is on this Friday 29th September at 3.30 pm and will have a harvest theme for crafts. It will be wonderful to welcome our families back after the Summer holiday break. Youth Group met again this week and we had a happy time. Thank you to everyone who has been along to an event this week or who has helped cater, including the MacMillan afternoon tea on Thursday. We look forward to the return of the Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room this Wednesday... always lots of wonderful cake available there too.

This Sunday's Services:

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion, Toddington Church

Events this week:

Monday 25th September

Morning Prayer 9.30am

2.00 pm seated Pilates, Wilkinson Hall

Tuesday 26th September

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 27th September

11.00 am - 1.00 pm Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room at Tebworth Memorial Hall

Working Party in the grounds, Toddington church 10.30 am

Thursday 28th September

A Rest day!

Friday 29th September

10.30 am Painting for pleasure, Wilkinson Hall

12.00 noon Funeral - David Gadsden, Toddington Church

3.30 pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 30th September

During the morning - decorate the churches for harvest (please link with Dee or Sandy for more information -(see attached letter)

5pm Benefice Harvest Supper - Wilkinson Hall

Sunday 1st October

9.30 am Special Harvest Community Service with Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Special Harvest Community Service with Holy Communion, Toddington Church

Have a good week.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes



Toddington and Chalgrave parishes