Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

What glorious weather it has been this week. The sunshine set the scene beautifully today for the Toddington village fete. There was much laughter and happy chatter as folks supped beer and ice-cream whilst exploring the stalls. I loved the children's street dancing - so much focused energy by the children, inspired by their energetic, smiling teacher. It was a wonderfully happy afternoon. Well done and thank you to everyone involved in organising the event - and to those who provided refreshments in Wilkinson Hall. It was a great success, and it's wonderful to hear that plans are already afoot for next year's fete.

Looking ahead this week we will have Pop Up Tea Room at Tebworth Memorial Hall on Wednesday, swiftly followed by the Friends organised Toddington Open Gardens next weekend.. besides the usual regular weekly events. I pray the sun continues to shine this week for you and your families.

This Sunday's Services

9.30am Holy Communion Service, in Chalgrave Church

11am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

This week's events:

Monday 26th June

9.30am Morning Prayer, Toddington church

2pm Seated Pilates, Wilkinson Hall

Tuesday 27th June

10.30am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

5.45pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 28th June

10-12 noon Toddington Church, gardening working party.

11-1pm Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall

Thursday 29th June

PCC meeting - postponed

Friday 30th June

10.30am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 1st July/Sunday 2nd July

Toddington Open Gardens, with plant stall and refreshments at Wilkinson Hall.

Saturday 11-5pm, Sunday 1-6pm Tickets available from Wilkinson Hall or at participating gardens. £5 each adult, accompanying children free. 'Spot the clue' game for children too. (poster attached)

Have a lovely week.

Best wishes
