Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

I hope you have had a good week. The weather has been pretty kind to us and the grass and plants are growing apace.. with beautiful blossom emerging.

Our churches have looked beautiful, decorated for Easter, but now, despite being still in the Easter Season our attention is turning also to Springtime events, including the upcoming Coronation of King Charles III.

I know the various villages will be planning different events to celebrate this special occasion and I have circulated a poster about the Royal British Legion Toddington events, but please do let me know of any other events happening in Toddington, Tebworth, Wingfield and Chalton villages so I can share these too.

Later today, volunteers from the Royal British Legion will help to raise the English standard at the church, to commemorate St George of England, the patron saint of England and also of Toddington Church. We will pay tribute to our patron saint in tomorrow morning's service. There are also various fun things happening locally, including at Wrest Park for families.

This Afternoon St George's Church hosts a Toddington Music Society Spring Concert by Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble at 2.30 pm which will conclude St George of England's 800 years celebrations. Tickets available on the door £10 (cash only). All welcome.

The Quintet Choir will be rehearsing songs and music for a special Thanksgiving service for the Coronation of King Charles which will be held at 6.30 pm at Toddington Church on Friday 12 May 2023. All Welcome to the service.. and to join the Quintet Choir... see below invitation from Nicholas:

Dear Singers,

We have been invited to sing at a coronation-themed service at Toddington on the evening of Friday 12th May. To prepare, we will rehearse 7.30-8.30 pm on the following Thursdays:

20th April, 27th April , 4th May, 11th May

The first three practices are likely to take place at Harlington and the fourth will be held at Toddington. Amongst the music, I hope we can do Malcolm Archer's arrangement of 'Rejoice the Lord is King' -

Please do come along to rehearsals, even if you cannot make the service on 12th May as we will be singing some other pieces too.

Do please feel free to go along to any of the rehearsals and if you would like to speak to Nicholas for more information I can link you.

This Friday's Messy Church will have a Coronation theme and we look forward to welcoming our families.

This week's services and Events

Saturday 22nd April - Spring Concert, Toddington Church, 2.30pm

Sunday 23rd April

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion and remembering our Patron Saint, St George, Toddington Church

Monday 24th April

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

2.00 pm Seated Pilates, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Tuesday 25th April

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Wednesday 26th April

11.00 am Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall.

Thursday 27th April

7.30 pm Quintet Choir Rehearsal, Harlington Church

Friday 28th April

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall

3.30 pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Sunday 30th April

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion, Toddington Church

Have a good week.

With every good wish.
