Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

Lent Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello Everyone

This Sunday, Palm Sunday begins Holy Week which is the special week in the church when we follow Jesus' journey into Jerusalem, first cheered by happy crowds waving palm leaves, then to the Last Supper with his disciples, before a time of intense prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane which we mark on Maundy Thursday. On Good Friday we remember Jesus' arrest and trial, and lonely walk with the cross to his crucifixion. How quickly the atmosphere changed from joy to sadness.

This week, a team of loyal volunteers worked hard to create a series of 10 interactive prayer stations in church ready for Holy Week, and for the Toddington lower school year 2 children who visited last Thursday. The children were a joy to host. We thoroughly enjoyed their visit, and so did they. One of my favourite moments was as we all sang 'Give me Joy in my heart.. with the chorus 'Sing Hosanna', with the children waving palm leaves. The children all had their own special memory and it was a wonderful surprise to receive thank you letters from them on Friday at the end of term assembly.

How important it is to say thank you, and I guess that is what Holy Week is mainly about. It is a time for us to slow down, stop the busyness, and pause to acknowledge what Jesus did for us on the cross, and to say a big thank you!

Do please join us this Easter for our special Holy Week Services and events and do please pop into church to spend a little time walking the prayer stations, and then head to the Cheyne Chapel to sit alongside the station of Jesus in the tomb (the scene of his resurrection) and remember Jesus, and loved ones, and say thank you. The peace is special. Jesus' love for each and every one of us, is so special and it is unconditional. Come and soak awhile in it. You will be most welcome.

This week's services and events:

Palm Sunday

9.30 am Holy Communion and the distribution of palm crosses, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion and the distribution of palm crosses, Toddington Church

Monday 3rd April

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

11.00 am Toddington Lent Course, The Rectory.

Tuesday 4th April

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 5th April

7.30 pm Easter Journey with Jesus service, with readings, music and songs, with the Quintet Choir.

Maundy Thursday 6th April

6.00 pm Maundy Thursday Benefice Supper, Wilkinson Hall ( for catering purposes, please let Sandy or Dee know if you will be coming)

7.30 pm Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

Good Friday 7th April

9.30 am Chalgrave Church, Hour at the Cross Service with readings and reflections

10.30 am – 12.00 noon Easter Messy Church, for messy church children and families, Wilkinson Hall. All Welcome.

2.00 pm Toddington Church, Hour at the Cross Service with readings and reflections.

Easter Saturday 8th April

8.00 pm Confirmation Service at St Alban's Abbey. Please come and support Diane, Len and Lianne who will be confirmed by Bishop Richard at this special Easter Saturday service (Please be seated by 7.45 pm, and let me know if you would like a lift)

Easter Sunday 9th April

9.30 am Easter Day Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave

11.00 am Easter Day, Holy Communion Service, Toddington

Future dates for your diaries:

No Morning Prayer on Monday 10th April - Bank Holiday.

12th April, 10.30 am the funeral of Joy Britain, Toddington Church

14th April, 12.30 pm The wedding of Grace and Billy, Toddington Church

14th April, 3.00 pm, Memorial Service for Sheila Diemer, Chalgrave Church

Easter Lilies in memory of loves ones. Chalgrave and Toddington Churches will be decorated with Easter lilies for Easter Sunday. Each Lily flower will be in memory of a loved one. If you would like to include your loved ones, please either write their names on the list in church, or let Sandy know for Chalgrave church, and Dee or Roger know for Toddington Church. A donation for each lily is requested, please.

We have become aware of several families who are finding things difficult at the moment. If you feel able to make a small donation (either food or a little money) to help to ease their journey, please have a word with Linda or Dee. Donations of food, from the church, have been very gratefully received this week. Thank you.

I wish you all a special, reflective and peaceful week as we journey with Jesus.

God bless
