Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

I hope you are enjoying the Spring Sunshine with the beautiful spring blossom and flowers bursting to life..just in time for Mothering Sunday. I delighted to see a carpet of Primroses too this week.

It has been an eventful and busy week this week but there have been many blessings and special moments - one of which was the very special Evensong Service last Sunday evening. It was a joy to hear voices ring out from the choir stalls with singing. Thank you Malcom and Roger for putting the service together so well. It was enjoyed so much that we will be making it a regular monthly evening service on the third Sunday of each month at 6.00 pm. The Lent courses have also offered special times together in groups as we study a Bible passage and share reflections.

Sadly, one not so good moment was learning about the damage to a Chancel support beam at Chalgrave Church which needs urgent repair so the Chancel has been closed for safety reasons until the repair is completed. Visitors to church in the near future for services will be met with a view of scaffolding and metal supports in the Chancel and we cannot use the main altar... but this will not limit our desire to worship and our regular services will continue...with a little adaptation. It's always good to ring a few changes!

This week's services:

Sunday 19 March, Mothering Sunday

9.30 am Morning Praise, Chalgrave Church - Malcolm

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church - Linda

This week's services and events:

Monday 20th March

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

11.00 am Toddington Lent Course, the Rectory

Tuesday 21st March

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

2.00 – 7.00 pm Alma Farm Consultation Event... anyone interested to obtain more information is very welcome to pop in.

Wednesday 22nd March

11.00 am Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall

12.00 noon, Lent lunch, Wilkinson Hall

5.00 pm Toddington PCC, The Rectory

7.30 pm Chalgrave Lent Course, The Calders'.

Thursday 23rd March

Rest Day

Friday 24th March

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure, Wilkinson Hall

No Messy Church this week// postponed to Friday 31st March

Saturday 25th March

10.00 am Friends, Table Top Sale, Wilkinson Hall - speak to Fran or Dee to request a table top.

Sunday 26th March

9.30 am Holy Communion Service - Chalgrave

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, with baptism, Toddington

Week commencing 27 March, we will be setting up Easter Encounter, prayer stations in church, in preparation for year 2 school visit on 30th. If you are able to assist with setting these up and/or would like to be responsible for creating a station, please speak or link with Linda.

Have a good week.

God bless
