Latest news letter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

Last Sunday we celebrated Candlemas remembering Mary and Joseph presenting Jesus in the temple, and the joy of his discovery by Simeon and Anna who had been waiting so many years for the coming of the Lord. We also considered the Candlemas Bells (Snow drops) which appear so faithfully, popping up through the frosty ground each year marking the occasion. Their pure white and beauty also remind us of Mary's purification and admittance into the temple following the birth of Jesus.

This week has had many special moments.. mainly through meeting people and having a chat. How important conversation is!

This Sunday, as our congregations continue to grow and settle post lockdown, we are looking forward to introducing the first of our 'Healing' services. Special services like this were laid down during Covid lockdown when we had to keep apart and masked, but how good it is now to be able to gather to pray together and to pray for each other. Tomorrow at 9.30 am the service at Chalgrave will allow time to pray special prayers for the sick and to offer anointing with oil as we ask God to heal in body, mind and spirit. There will be a similar service next Sunday (12th February) at 11.00 am at Toddington Church. The services will be gentle and non-threatening and will aim to offer peace and blessing. Do please join us to either pray for yourselves or for someone else who is on your heart. You will be most welcome.

This Sunday's Services

9.30 am A service with prayer for Healing and Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church - Linda & Nigel

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington, Malcolm and Linda

Services and Events from Monday 6th February

Monday 6th February

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

2.00 pm An Introductory course about Prayer Ministry, The Rectory - information from Linda

Tuesday 7th February

9.30 pm Prayer Group

10.30 am Knitting Group - Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Wednesday 8th February

10.30 am - 2.30 pm Wednesday Winter Warmer, with soup and baked potato lunches, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Thursday 9th February

2.00 pm Afternoon with friends - refreshments, games, conversation and a warm welcome, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Friday 10th February

Painting for Pleasure group, 10.30 am, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Saturday 11th February

10.00 am - 12.00 noon Coffee Morning, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Sunday 12th February

9.30 am Morning Service, Chalgrave

11.00 am Healing Service, Toddington

NB: Seated Pilates will now take place twice a month, on 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, 2.00 pm, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Ploughmans lunches will start in March and will be on the first Thurs of each month.

Looking ahead:

There will be a weekly Lent course for Toddington Church from w/c 27 February (day tbc).

and a weekly Wednesday evening Lent Bible Study course for Chalgrave Church, during March. More information to follow.

We are looking to reintroduce Open the Book visits to the Lower School for collective worship on a few Thursdays each month (about 10.00 am) If you would be interested to be part of a team going into school to 'act' out some of the Bible Stories with us at Collective Worship time, please do let me know.

The lower school are seeking helpers to listen to children read. If you have time to offer, please let me know. It would be lovely for some of our church members to be able to offer support.

The lower school is also seeking a new Foundation Governor.. someone who has Christian faith, who would be willing to offer to support the school. Please let me know if you may be able to help.

Thank you all so much for your support in so many different ways. It truly is the body of Christ coming together, using your time, gifts and talents. Thank you.. your help is so appreciated.

Wishing you all a very blessed week.


Rector Toddington and Chalgrave