Latest news letter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

Can we really be heading to the end of January already? I must admit that I feel a certain joy to see the lengthening days with the extra daylight and the chance to be outside a little longer each day. The days have been particularly pretty with frost and blue skies recently, although Wednesday's pavements and roads were treacherous with the freezing fog. There have been special moments to celebrate this week with Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room being well attended with a wealth of cakes and provisions and smiles; Messy Church at Toddington on Friday was a time of creativity focused on the Epiphany story of the three kings and their camels; the lower school assembly on Thursday was joyful with children high fiving Nigel as they left after he 'acted' enthusiastically the part of Peter, the fisherman, hauling in a large catch of fish! Toddington church folk welcomed visitors to Wednesday Winter Warmer with hot soup and fellowship and again this morning with cakes and conversation to the Friends' coffee morning. On Wednesday evening Bishop Richard joined us at Chalgrave PCC meeting and shared a Biblical reflection which inspired lots of conversation. It is good being together.. and thank you to everyone for providing such wonderful opportunities to gather.

Spring is in the air! This week I have been encouraged to see buds appearing on the hydrangea and on other trees and shrubs; early bunches of daffodils and hyacinths are appearing in the shops and just in time for Candlemas this Sunday, the snowdrops are starting to push through the frozen soil. Snowdrops have a certain traditional symbolic link to Candlemas:

'Snowdrops have, in Britain, been closely associated with Candlemas, the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ into the Temple (February 2nd). This is the day when Simeon took the child in his arms and proclaimed him a light to the world, and Anna proclaimed his glory'.

This Sunday's Services:

9.30 am Holy Communion Service at Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion Service at Toddington Church

Other Services and Events this week

Monday 30th January

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

Tuesday 31st January

10.30 am Knitting Group

5.45 pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 1st February

10.30 am - 2.30 pm Wednesday Winter Warmer gathering (soup and baked potatoes) Wilkinson Hall

Thursday 2nd February

NO Ploughman's lunch this month

Quintet Choir rehearsal Harlington Church (7.30 pm?) - more information from Nicholas Hopton

Friday 3rd February

10.30am Painting for Pleasure, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 4th February

Trefoil Guild coffee morning at Methodist Church

Sunday 5th February

9.30 am Healing Service with Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church - Linda and Nigel

11.00 am Holy Communion Service - Malcolm and Linda

Sunday 12th February

9.30 am Morning Service at Chalgrave Church.

11.00 am Healing Service with Holy Communion, Toddington Church- Linda and Nigel

As we move forward there will be more information about Lent courses but for now, I wish you a wonderful week.

God bless
