Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Dear All

I'm sorry to be sending a last-minute short email this week. It hasn't turned out to be quite the week I was anticipating.. but then when does it! I spent two days preparing for and dealing with workmen cutting back the hedge, shrubs and apple tree at the rectory, if you would like any apples, pleeeaase do get in touch. We have so many! Following a great school governors' meeting on Wednesday eve, I returned home with thoughts buzzing through my head about the school assembly the next morning and about how much work there was to do to prepare for this Sunday's services...when, suddenly I was struck down by a grotty sickness bout - probably food poisoning. Thursday pretty much passed me by as I slept for virtually 24 hours, emerging rather gradually on Friday. Saturday has been spent glued to the computer to prepare for our four special services tomorrow and I am looking forward to being back in the swing of things tomorrow, and to meeting up with many of you again, relieved that I am married to a lovely clergy husband who will be alongside tomorrow offering support. Over the years we have tended to minister in separate places, so it will be rather special to minister together tomorrow and we look forward to seeing you.

This Sunday our services are:

9.30 am Chalgrave Church, In Loving Memory Service - lead by Linda and Nigel

11.00 am Toddington Church, Holy Communion Service - lead by Linda, with Nigel presiding at Communion

1.00 pm A Baptism Service for Amelie, Toddington Church - lead by Linda

4.00 pm Toddington Church, In Loving Memory Service - lead by Linda and Malcolm, (with Nigel preaching).

Other events this week are as mentioned in last week's email apart from:

Tuesday 8th November

5.45 pm, Wilkinson Hall, Youth Group - 9+ years of age. Rebecca will be sending out invitations. Please get in touch if you know someone who would like to come along.

Wednesday 9th November,

Wednesday Winter Warming time – 10.30 am – 3.00pm with soup and baked potatoes for lunch

Thursday 10th November,

2.00 pm Meet with Friends, Wilkinson Hall

Friday 11th November

Service of Remembrance at the War Memorial led by the British Legion 10.40 am

Packing Samaritan's Purse shoeboxes, 2.00 pm Wilkinson Hall. All help will be most welcome!

Saturday 12th November

No activities planned!

Sunday 13th November - Remembrance Sunday

9.30 am Benefice Holy Communion Service at Toddington Church

10.40 am Remembrance Service on the Green

2.00 pm A time of Remembrance at Chalgrave church by the memorial

3.00 pm Remembrance Service, Tebworth Memorial Hall

Our thoughts and prayers go to all who grieve, remembering those who will be attending the In Loving Memory services tomorrow, and those who are not able to. If you would like to come to pay respects to a loved family member or friend, please do join us. You will be warmly welcomed and this type of service can offer comfort and healing. It is a service which offers time to remember, time to step aside from the busyness for a while and time to light a candle in memory of a loved one.

Our particular prayers go out to Roger, Sally and Matthew as they grieve the loss of Rita who died suddenly this week. We thank God for all Rita offered to the Church of St George. She will be very sadly missed.

with best wishes

Linda and Nigel