Latest Newsletter from Linda, The Rector.

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Hello Everyone

It seems a long time since I sent my last email with information about October's services when Nigel and I were about to head off for a rest. I hope October has been a good month for you. The weather has been so mild, sunny and unseasonably kind.

We enjoyed some wonderfully relaxing days in Dorset and then last week we spent a week in the Lake District and were thrilled to see 3 otters emerge from the shrubbery alongside us at Derwent Water heading out for a swim. Such simple moments but very special.

I am now back in the flow and led a wedding at Harlington Church today and will be picking up momentum this week. Tomorrow's services will be lead by Archdeacon Dave at Chalgrave and Toddington Churches, and I look forward to seeing you all either during the week, or next Sunday to catch up.

I offer my sincere thanks to everyone who has helped to cover during my absence. I am so grateful to you. Malcolm Curtis, Rev Roger Wood and Archdeacon Dave have covered Sunday services and Malcolm also kindly covered funerals, Morning Prayer, a school harvest assembly and several services at short notice in September when I was unwell. This enabled me to have a sabbatical and a holiday and I was so glad of the opportunity to sleep and rest. Thank you!

It seems impossible that it is already over a month since the wonderful Petal and Purl festival, which was such a glorious event, organised and inspired by Angela, Rita, June and their trusted team of knitters and flower arrangers. It was so very special. So many hours were poured into the organisation, and preparations to create a truly memorable occasion with the 800 year old church of Toddington looking resplendently beautiful - a fantastic setting for the later Harvest Service and for my formal licensing service as Rector, and the service of Commemoration to HM the Queen. Thank you to all involved for your generous time and dedication.

So much happened in September, and in October, and now as we approach November, we anticipate the 'In Loving Memory' services at Chalgrave and Toddington next Sunday to remember and give thanks for special friends and family loved ones who have died and we light a candle in their memory. If you would like to include a name to be read out at either service, please either contact me, sign the church lists tomorrow at the services, or pop into Toddington church this week to add names to the appropriate list in church. I'll leave out a list for both Toddington and Chalgrave churches for you.

This Sunday's services

All Saints, Chalgrave, 9.30am Holy Communion Service led by Archdeacon Dave Middlebrook.

St George of England, Toddington, 11am Holy Communion Service led by Archdeacon Dave Middlebrook

Events and services this week:

Monday 31st October

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

Tuesday 1st

10.30 Knitting for all, Wilkinson Hall.

Thursday 3rd

12 noon hot Ploughman’s Lunch, Wilkinson Hall

Friday 4th

10. 30 am Painting for Pleasure, Wilkinson Hall

Future November Events and Services

Sunday 6 November

9.30am In Loving Memory Service at Chalgrave Church

11am Holy Communion Service at Toddington Church

1pm Baptism Service, Toddington Church

4 pm In Loving Memory Service at Toddington


7, 14, 21, and 28 Morning Prayer 9.30am Toddington Church

14th Seated Pilates, 2pm Wilkinson Hall tbc


1, 8,15, 22 and 29th Knitting for all, Wilkinson Hall


9, 16, 23 and 30th 10.30am – 3.00 pm WARM WINTER WEDNESDAYS with tea/coffee, soup, jacket potatoes, new/old friends and conversation. See attached poster.


a variety of different weekly activities.


4, 11, 18, 25th Painting for Pleasure, Wilkinson Hall

Sunday 13th - Remembrance Sunday

9.30am Benefice Holy Communion Service, Toddington

10.40am Remembrance Service on the Green

2pm Time of Remembrance at Chalgrave Church Memorial

3pm Remembrance Service, Tebworth Memorial Hall

Sunday 20th

9.15 – 10.30 AM - Messy Breakfast (will usually be on 2nd Sunday of the month but delayed due to Remembrance Sunday)

Friday 25th

3.30pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 26th

9 am Pre-Christmas Mini Bazaar

10.30 - 2.30pm Saturday Coffee Time

3.30 pm Village Community event on the Green

Wishing you all well and looking forward to seeing you soon. Do please get in touch if you would like a visit, Home Communion, a chat or have a prayer request.

God bless
