Latest news letter from Linda and Nigel, the ministers

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Hello Everyone

The sun has been shining this week which is always a bonus. It has been a busy week between us with a wedding, a confirmation service at Westoning, five baptisms, two funerals and a burial of ashes, two school assemblies, a hospital visit, planning meetings for future weddings, funerals and baptisms, a PCC meeting and School Governor's meeting, a Friends Meeting, pastoral care and support to the bereaved and those in need, besides the usual services and events. There have been many special moments of joy and blessing and moments of deep sadness. A day as a minister is always varied but a huge privilege.

This Sunday's Services are:

9.15 am-10.30 am Messy Church Breakfast and Crafts, Wilkinson Hall - Rebecca

9.30 am Chalgrave Church -Holy Communion Service - Linda

9.30 am Harlington Church- Holy Communion Service - Nigel and Robert

11.00 am Toddington Church - Holy Communion Service - Linda

11.00 am Westoning Church - Holy Communion - Nigel

1.00 pm Baptism service, Toddington Church - Linda

3.00 pm Tingrith Church Community service with Holy Communion - Nigel and Linda

This month's Upper Room Service, 6.00 pm - theme 'Fathers'.

For details of how to join please contact Revd Linda

Other Services and Events next week

Monday 27th June

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

3.30 pm Funeral of Derek Shields, Bedford Crematorium - Linda

Tuesday 28th June

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

10.00 am Westcaf, Westoning Village Hall

1.00 pm Sewing Bee, Westoning Village Hall

Wednesday 29th June

10.00am Morning Service, Harlington Church

Thursday 30th June

8.00 pm Harlington Churches Together meeting

Friday 1st July

Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington 10.30 am

Little Stars Westoning Church, 1.15 pm

Friday Fellowship 2.00 pm Westoning Village Hall

Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington from 3.15 pm

Saturday 2nd July

Open Gardens and Plant Stall, Toddington (Saturday and Sunday) - tickets and refreshments Wilkinson Hall- organised by the Friends of Toddington Parish Church (see poster)

Church Fete in Church Grounds, Westoning Church, 12.30 pm until 4.00 pm, with stalls, refreshments and games, and Woburn Sands Band

Wishing you a good week

Linda and Nigel