Hello Everyone
This past week has flown by. There has been much good to celebrate like the Chalgrave monthly Pop Up Tea Room with its wonderful array of cakes and refreshments, and Toddington Community Fridge which offered an abundance of foods this morning which were gathered up quickly by visitors with little left by 10.15am (great that foods are used so well and not sent to landfill). On Wednesday, the Toddington Winter Warmer gathering commenced with folks enjoying warming soup and a good natter and this afternoon there was a bargain sale in the Hall. Lots of good opportunities to gather together.
This Tuesday we look forward to hosting Youth group in the Hall at 5.45pm, and Messy Church, also in the Hall, on Friday 31st January (postponed from last Friday) when we will consider 'Changes'. Then, all too quickly, we move into February, the month of big 'Change' for me, with my retirement rapidly approaching.
February 9th will be my last Sunday leading the usual two regular Holy Communion services at both benefice churches:
9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church, 26 January, 2nd February (with a baptism), 9th February
11.00 am Holy Communion Service Toddington Church, 26 January, 2nd February (with baptisms), 9th February.
On 16th February I lead my final Sunday Services at Toddington with:
11.00 am Benefice Holy Communion Service (with both church congregations) followed by a benefice lunch.
3.00 pm a Benefice and Community 'Songs of Praise' Service at Toddington Church, with the Quintet Choir, followed by farewell refreshments in Wilkinson Hall. All welcome to the services.
I officially retire on 18 March 2025, but lead my last services a month before in February, to allow me time to finalise arrangements and organisation, before I step away. The Bishop will be in touch with the parishes to discuss the vacancy, and the advertisement process to seek a replacement minister. Sadly, this process is often prolonged and it is possible that I will not be replaced for some months, so visiting ministers, and Malcolm, will kindly cover services in between. Please pray for the churches as they weave their way forward through the various obstacles and pray that the replacement process will go smoothly with a good appointment.
This week's events:
Monday 27th January
9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church
2.00 pm Seated exercise with Alison, Wilkinson Hall
Tuesday 28th January
10.30 am Knitting group, Wilkinson Hall
5.45 pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall
Wednesday 29th January
11.00 am Winter Warmer, Wilkinson Hall
Friday 31st January
10.30 am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall
3.30 pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall.. Craft and activities for children with adults, with Bible story, and hot tea. (see poster)
Next Sunday 2nd February Holy Communion Services with baptisms at Chalgrave (9.30 am) and Toddington (11.00 am) Churches.
Recently we have heard the sad news of the deaths of Ida Squires and Fred Thistlethwaite. Ida's funeral will take place at Oakfields Gardens Crematorium, Steppingley on Wednesday 5th February at 11.00 am, and Fred's funeral will be in the Chapel at Luton Crematorium on Tuesday 11th February at 11.00 am. Our thoughts and prayers reach out to their families at this sad time.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy good week.
Best wishes
Toddington and Chalgrave parishes