Hello Everyone
We certainly are in a cold slump of weather, but how pretty the heavy frost has been across the fields with the clear blue sky above. Today, during a quick walk at Wrest park Nigel and I reflected back on childhood memories of skating runs on a stretch of ice in the school playground, (which would be well salted and sealed off nowadays for health and safety reasons) but in the park we watched a rare sight of a family of children skating across a large frozen puddle and they were having a lovely time. The ducks, geese and swans looked substantially less enamoured, and hungry, as they skated across solid ice trying to find somewhere to break through for food. We were glad to be snuggled up under woolly hats, scarves and gloves… but it was a lovely walk. I hope you are all managing to stay warm and snug and safe.
This morning folks gathered for the first coffee morning of this new year, and despite the weather, there was a good gathering with warm friendly conversation.. pleased to see each other. Thank you to all who came, and to all who helped to provide the refreshments etc. We missed hosting Toddington Community Fridge this week but hopefully it will be back with us again on the 25th January.
The week has seemed a bit quieter as clearing up continued post-Christmas, and thank you to the teams who took down the decorations and cleaned the churches. Functions and gatherings return to full flow this week and looking ahead here are some dates for this year’s diary from Chalgrave Church:
Pop Up Tea Room: 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Chalgrave Memorial Hall - January 22nd, February 26th, March 26th, April 23rd, May 28th, June 25th, July 23rd, September 24th, October 22nd, November 26th, December 10th. (No Pop Up in August).
Afternoon Tea & Toddington Town Band: Saturday, May 17th, 2.00 – 4.00 pm.Booking is required for catering purposes. Please book with Alison Stone email: [email protected] or mobile 07771897451
Christmas Craft Fair: Saturday, November 8th, 11.00 am – 4.00 pm Chalgrave Memorial Hall
As I look ahead to the strange prospect of retirement, I’d like to let you know that on 9th February I will lead my final two services at both churches:
9th February 9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church (my last service at Chalgrave 😔)
9th February 11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington
and on 16th February I will lead my final services within the parishes. These will be:
11.00 am Benefice Holy Communion Service at Toddington Church.
3.00 pm Songs of Praise Service at Toddington Church, with the Quintet Choir. All welcome. Come, and let us reflect, and give thanks for our times together.
After this service there will be farewell refreshments in Wilkinson Hall. I do hope you can come and join us at one, or other, or all of the services.
I have attached the latest 'What’s On' for January with information about services and events at both churches during this month.
Wishing you good health, and well-being . May January be kind to you, and may you ward off all those bugs and germs.
God bless
Toddington and Chalgrave