Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

Scarecrow festival 2024 poster.pdf Download
ARTY AND CRAFTY.pdf Download
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Hello Everyone

I hope you have all had a good week. The weather has been sunny and that always makes us feel better. It’s been so lovely to have warm weather and sunshine recently, and although today brought heavy rain showers the gardens will have appreciated a good drink. The weather forecast is encouraging for next week - the last week of the school holidays - and we wish all staff and children preparing for the new academic year, a restful and rewarding week.

Tomorrow afternoon 1.00 -4.00 pm and Monday 10.00 am – 4.00 pm, we have the Toddington Church Scarecrow festival, so why not enjoy an hour scarecrow spotting in the village, or perhaps you would like to quickly create a scarecrow and let Dee know? Maps and refreshments available at Wilkinson Hall. Do please drop by. Poster attached.

This morning, we hosted a busy Toddington Community Fridge event with lots of lovely fruit and vegetables and bakery goods available and a happy team ready to serve you. Thank you so much Lynn from Tescos, Andy and Bryan, Dillon and Dominic for delivering the goods. The 'Fridge' is becoming very popular. It runs from 9.30 – 11.00 am each Saturday morning at Wilkinson Hall. Keep in touch with what is available via the new' Toddington Community Fridge' Facebook page or St George of England Church Facebook page.

Our next Arty Crafty session is at Wilkinson Hall on Wednesday 28th August morning at 10am. The first week the children made a pirate ship and sea creatures, last Wednesday they had a lovely time making mini-beasts. This Wednesday promises fun time too. (Children please come dressed prepared to get messy!).

This Sunday's services:

9.30am Holy Communion with quiet reflective music, Chalgrave Church

11am Holy Communion, Toddington Church


Sunday 25th August

1.00 – 4.00 pm Scarecrow Festival, Maps and refreshments, and book stall, Wilkinson Hall

Bank Holiday Monday 26th August

No Morning Prayer

Scarecrow Festival 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, Maps and refreshments, and book stall, Wilkinson Hall

Tuesday 27th August

Knitting Group, 10.30 am, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 28th August

Arty and Crafty time from 10.00 am, Wilkinson Hall (see poster)

Thursday 29th August

Chalgrave Church Cleaning? 1.00 pm

The Bible Course, 7.00 pm, The Rectory, session 4.

Friday 30th August

Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall, 10.30 am

Saturday 31 August

Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall, 10.30 am

Saturday 31 August

Toddington Community Fridge 9.30 – 11.00 am

Have a great bank holiday weekend and a lovely week.

Best wishes


Rev Linda Washington