Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

Gardens Open poster 2024.pdf Download
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Hello Everyone

How lovely it has been to see the sunshine this week and I hope that it holds for the Village Fete on the Green at Toddington tomorrow. Events start at 11.00 am with the Dog Show, and from 1.00 pm there will be lots of other fun and competitions, with music from Toddington Band too. The Church will be open tomorrow, and refreshments will be served in Wilkinson Hall, plus there will be a tombola and a Children's 'Garden on a Plate' competition.. And don't forget to look out for the Dragon's picnic! I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow. Thank you to all involved for your hard work to make this such a special event for the village.

On Wednesday, Chalgrave Church will offer their monthly Pop Up Tea room at Tebworth Memorial Hall from 11.00 am until 1.00 pm. Do come along and share time over a cuppa and cake or a savoury. The ladies at Chalgrave and Toddington Churches are wonderful bakers!

I'm relieved to be back from 'sick leave' and to be feeling much better.. still coughing slightly... but thankfully, not nearly as much! I look forward to leading services this Sunday at both Toddington and Chalgrave churches and thank Nigel and Malcolm for stepping in to help cover the past two Sundays.

Sunday 23rd June - Fourth Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

Monday 24th June

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

2.00 pm Seated exercise class with Alison, Wilkinson Hall

Tuesday 25th June

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

5.45 pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall (next 2 sessions 2nd and 16th July)

Wednesday 26th June

11.00 am Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall

Thursday 27th June

4.00 pm Chalgrave PCC Meeting

7.00 pm Post Alpha Group, The Rectory

Friday 28th June

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall

3.30 pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall

Sunday 30th June

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

2.00 pm Baptism service, Toddington Church

Wednesday 3rd July

10.30 am - The funeral of Mr Geoffrey Driver, Toddington Church

7.30 pm Dunstable Deanery Synod Meeting, Chalgrave Church

Dates for your diary:

6th and 7th July - Toddington 'Open Gardens' weekend. The notices are going up in the village. More information to come. Thankyou to everyone who has agreed to open their garden again this year. It is such a lovely event. See poster.

19th July at 12.00 noon - The funeral of Peggy Gladman will be held at Oakland Gardens Crematorium, Steppingley.

Have a good week>

Best wishes



Toddington and Chalgrave