Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello all

Looking back over last week's events, D Day 80 years anniversary captured our attention and our emotions as we heard the very moving stories, some told for the first time by the veterans, and we began to absorb the enormity of the reality they had faced.. and continue to face, as their memories surface of the horrors of conflict. How brave they were.... and how humble they are now - directing our attention to those who died as they recognise them as the true heroes.

It was moving on Thursday evening 6th June, D-Day, to gather at 8pm for a D Day 80 years anniversary service, quickly followed by the D Day event on the Village Green, where we gathered as community together to pay our respects to those who had fought, and to the fallen. The event finished with the lighting of the beacon joining with the country wide lighting at 9.15pm, to remember. Earlier the church bells rang out resoundingly calling us to gather to remember. That morning RBL representatives also attended a special D Day Worship time at Toddington St George school.

This evening, there will be another gathering on the Green with the Ukelele band entertaining, and finishing with the lighting of the beacon at 9.15pm. Thank you so much Royal British Legion Representatives for your leadership and provision and for the mighty work which RBL does to support the Veterans.

This week, Chalgrave teams have been incredibly busy cleaning and preparing the church for a full return tomorrow.. no dust in sight! Everywhere is sparklingly polished and the church looks wonderful. Thank you so much to everyone who gave up time to clean. I've attached a few photos of the restored beams - you can see the light new wood against the original beams. It will be so good to be properly back.

Thank you to the Toddington catering teams who provided Ploughman's Lunches and a Coffee Morning this week.

On Monday, we say a sad farewell to Derek Stone at his funeral at Chalgrave Church, at 10.30 am. Vicky will be glad of your support and all are welcome.

This Sunday's Services:

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

Monday 10th June

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

10.30 am The funeral of Derek Stone, Chalgrave Church, followed by a Committal at Bierton Crematorium. All are welcome to attend both or either service, and refreshments will be served at Tebworth Memorial Hall.

2.00 pm Seated Exercise class with Alison, Wilkinson Hall

Tuesday 11th June

10.30 am Knitting Group

5.45 pm Youth Group

Thursday 13th June

2.00 pm Afternoon with friends

Friday 14th June

Painting for Pleasure Group, 10.30 am Wilkinson Hall

2.30pm Toddington PCC, Wilkinson Hall

Sunday 15th June (Father's Day)

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave

11.00 am Family Holy Communion, Toddington

6.00 pm Evensong, Toddington Church

Have a good week everyone. I'm away on Clergy conference from Monday pm until Thursday pm, in Derbyshire but can be contacted by phone or email, if needed.

Best wishes

