Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

D-Day Photo of Loved Ones - Graeme Kelly.pdf Download
We Have Ways Festival.pdf Download
Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello Everyone

I hope you have had a good week and are enjoying some sunshine and rest after a busy few weeks.

This week, there is just one service on Sunday - a Benefice service at Toddington church at 11.00 am. This will be a Morning Praise (non-communion) service, kindly led by Malcolm.

On Tuesday the scaffolding was removed from Chalgrave Church following the completion of the restoration work on the interior roof beams. It will be wonderful to return to full worship at church again next Sunday, but in between, next week there will be cleaning teams going in to the church to make sure it is spic and span, and in good order, for our worship times. If by chance you have an hour to spare to help clean, please get in touch with me or Sandy, to offer your help. Times planned are: Tuesday 4th June at 1.00 pm, Wednesday 5th June at 10.00 am and Thursday 6th June at 1.00 pm.

I am sad to report that Derek Stone, of Tebworth, died on Monday morning. Although he had been under the weather for a while, his passing was unexpected. Please hold his dear wife Vicky in your prayers as she copes with each new day without Derek. He was much loved. Derek was a faithful member of Chalgrave Church and part of both parishes and will be sadly missed. Arrangements have been made for Derek's funeral to take place at Chalgrave Church on Monday 10th June at 10.3 0am. All are welcome.

This coming week, the Royal British Legion will be commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day landings with events on both Thursday 6th June and also Saturday 8th June. On Thursday 6th at 8.00 pm there will be a D-Day 80th anniversary service at Toddington Church to give thanks for loved ones and all who served in the D-Day operations. All are welcome. This will prelude the RBL organised Remembrance events on The Green (posters attached).

Other church events this week include Ploughman's Lunch on Thursday 6th and Coffee Morning on Saturday 8th - both at Wilkinson Hall. A summary of all events is below:

This week:

Monday 3rd June

Morning Prayer at 9.30 am, Toddington Church

Tuesday 4th June

Knitting group at 10.30 am, Wilkinson Hall

1.00 pm Church cleaning, Chalgrave Church

Wednesday 5th June

10.00 am Church cleaning, Chalgrave Church

Thursday 6th

Ploughman's Lunch, 12.00 noon, Wilkinson Hall

1.00 pm Church Cleaning, Chalgrave Church

D-Day Remembrance Service, 8.00 pm, Toddington Church

8.4 5pm D-Day RBL Remembrance service and lighting of the Beacon, The Green

Friday 7th June

Painting for Pleasure, 10.30 am, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 8th June

Coffee Morning,10.00 am, Wilkinson Hall

RBL D-Day evening events on The Green.

Sunday 9th June

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

Monday 10th June

10.30 am Funeral of Derek Stone, Chalgrave Church

Please remember in your thoughts and prayers the family of Michael Graves whose funeral took place at Toddington Church on Thursday. He was a young man who died suddenly and who leaves a young wife Nicola and 3 sons.

We also continue to pray for young Harrison Blanchflower who is still in Intensive Care at Royal Brompton Hospital. We pray for breakthrough in his recovery and for the Lord's protection and provision for his devoted parents as they wait alongside him (but face rising costs and depleted funds). If you feel able to make a 'love' donation to support Harrison's family you can either donate to the go fund me link below or via the church 'Love Fund'.

Donate to Harrison Blanchflower, organized by Cherie Ramscar

Hello, my name is Cherié and I am the auntie of Harrison Blanchflower who is 3 years old. On … Cherie Ramscar needs your support for Harrison Blanchflower

We have a 'Love Fund' at Toddington Church to support families in need. Donations can be gift aided and there is no charge for making a donation. Donations can be made via the church website, or 'A Church Near You' site, or by the QR code in church. Please give a reference of Harrison or Nicola if you wish to give to either of the two families mentioned above (or send me an email to let me know a payment has been made so we can identify it).

Thank you for your love and care.

With best wishes
