Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

What a lovely sunny start to the bank holiday weekend and to the upcoming school half-term holidays. I do hope the weather lasts and families have a good time together. I know several families are really looking forward to a break.

It has been quite a week: Chelsea Flower Show has been a bright light this week, giving many folks lots of enjoyment as they browse beautiful garden displays – natural planting is the key this year to enhance nature and the environment. Beauty and enjoyment to inspire us in our gardens in an otherwise heavy week. Torrential rainstorms caused flooding and, in the midst of one of these storms, a General Election was announced. The Sub-postmasters continue their fight for justice and compensation, and families are understandably keen to get away for a break and some sunshine. Let’s hope they get the rest they crave.

Food and hospitality have been a church focus again this week. Wednesday’s Pop-Up Tea Room at Chalgrave was very busy (despite the heavy rain and flooding) and there was another impressive offering of cakes and savouries and a fulsome plant stall raising funds for the Village Hall and for the Church. On Tuesday, Youth Group members made their own pizzas... whilst thinking about Jesus being a firm foundation for our lives; On Thursday we shared a lovely bring and share final Alpha meal with everyone contributing in some way. It was a special finale to what has been a meaningful course. Keen not to stop meeting together, we have arranged to meet again on Thursday 13th June. Messy Church was also ‘buzzing’ yesterday, thinking about ‘being kind’ or should I say ‘Bee-ing Kind’ as we had a surprise visit from Buzby the Bee. And now, as the sun continues to shine, we look forward to a special Garden Party organised by the Friends of St Georges, in Rachel’s lovely garden, this evening. Church family is so important. Thank you all for all that you contribute, in so many ways. Do join us if you can – all are very welcome.

Looking ahead, there will be a D-Day 80th anniversary commemoration service, with the RBL, at Toddington church on Thursday 6 June at 8pm to remember and to give thanks for the bravery of all who were involved. At 8.45pm we are invited to gather on The Green for the lighting of the Beacon at 9.15pm. D-Day events continue on Saturday 8th June with entertainment organised by the RBL with a further lighting of the Beacon. If you have any special memories of family or people involved in the D-Day events, we are keen to remember them in our 8pm service in church on 6 June. Do please get in touch with me, or John Wood, with your memories.

Chalgrave Church scaffolding is due to be struck on Tuesday as the restoration work is almost complete. Thank you so much Mick Bunning for your skill and dedication to complete this so beautifully and to our church architect Michael Dales for your guidance. We look forward to worshipping in the full body of the church, safely able to look up at the restored roofing beams.

As Summer approaches there are other events in the offing, including the 'Friends' Open Gardens event on 6 and 7 July. Thank you to all who may be considering opening their garden this year. It is such a pleasure to have opportunity to come and appreciate all your hard work and to be inspired. We also look forward to the Village Fete on 22nd June.

This Sunday's Services and upcoming Events:

9.30 am Holy Communion service at Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, with a baptism, at Toddington Church.

Monday 27th May: Bank Holiday

Tuesday 28th May

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

Thursday 30th May

11am Funeral of Michael Graves, Toddington Church

Friday 31st May

10.30am Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall

June 6th

12.00 noon Ploughman's Lunch, Wilkinson Hall

8.00 pm D-Day Service, Toddington Church

8.45 pm, RBL gathering on The Green for commemorative service and lighting of the Beacon at 9.15 pm

June 8th

10.00 am Coffee Morning, Wilkinson Hall

Thinking of you all. Look after yourselves.

God bless


Rector of Toddington and Chalgrave