Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

Messy Church 24th May.pdf Download
May Events 2024 1b.pdf Download
Garden Party Poster 20240525.pdf Download
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Hello Everyone

What a lovely day it has been today - such a great day for gardening. As I worked pulling up weeds, the birds sang so beautifully and a blackbird hopped along the lawn looking for insects and a quick meal. I couldn't resist putting on the bird identifier app for a few minutes to try to identify the birdsongs and it identified: a Eurasian Blackbird, a House Sparrow, European Greenfinch, Common Chiffchaff, Eurasian Blue Tit, Common Wood Pigeon, Eurasian Collared Dove, European Robin, Common Chaffinch and a Eurasian Wren in just eleven minutes of recording. How wonderful Spring time is. So much is bursting into life.

This week, youth group went for a walk of discovery across the fields, with Bridget guiding what to look out for. The Alpha course met for the Holy Spirit day last weekend, and on Thursday and now sadly look towards out final session this week. We will have a bring and share meal and a gentle time of reflection about the course.. which has been very special these past weeks. The year four children from the lower school headed off for their three day adventure at Aston Clinton - the first time many of them had been away overnight so there will have been one or two concerned adults.. but I have no doubt that the children will have had a wonderful time and will be preparing for their move up to Middle School in September. The seasons of life move forward so quickly!

The church season moves forward too. This Sunday, it is Pentecost Sunday - the day when we remember how the Holy Spirit came in Jerusalem, 40 days after Jesus' Ascension into Heaven. Pentecost was a day of energy, fire and revelation to so many people. Thousands came to faith and were baptised. People spoke in different languages with understanding between them. It was a time of revelation and of unity in the one Spirit. The Holy Spirit.. the Counsellor, the Comforter, was sent by Jesus to guide us and support us. It was the birth of the church.. so tomorrow we celebrate the church's birthday! Many Christians across the world have been uniting in prayer these past 2 weeks, praying for the world and for people to know Jesus. There have been exciting movements of faith, with the Gen Z generation, particularly turning to God. So please join is in praying for the world at this time. May Thy Kingdom Come, O Lord!

Pentecost Sunday Services: 19th May 2024

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church,

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

6.00 pm Evensong, Toddington Church

Upcoming services and events

Monday 20th

9.30 am Monday, Morning Prayer Toddington Church

Tuesday 21st

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

5.45 pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 22nd

9.30 am Working Party, Toddington Church (tbc by Dee)

11.00 am- 1.00 pm Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall

Thursday 23rd

6.30 pm Concluding Alpha session, the Rectory

Friday 24th

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall

3.30 pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall (see poster)

Saturday 25th

7.00 pm Garden Party, organised by Friends of St George's. (See poster), tickets £10 in advance.

Wishing you a blessed week

With love and prayers


Rev Linda Washington
