Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

A_Path_of_Powerful_Love_Poster_2_kaQK5Gr.pdf Download
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Messy_Church__27th_October_j1pnzXx.pdf Download
Table_Top_Sale_poster_20231021_UTPPwb5.pdf Download
Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello everyone

How wonderful for this day to be easing into evening under a clear blue sky with sunshine offering a beautiful backdrop. How different to this time yesterday when the skies opened, rain flooded down, and PCC members made a very quick dash home. Each day is so different. Thank God for the peace and beauty of our land.

This morning saw a homely gathering for coffee morning at Wilkinson Hall with the usual lovely array of freshly baked cakes and raffle prizes; folks contentedly chatting together and teams busy in the kitchen washing up. How well everyone in our two special churches work together - thank you!

Nigel and I have been privileged to go into both Toddington lower and middle schools this week to lead assemblies. Parkfields School invited us to their Harvest assembly and we were treated to wonderful singing by years 5 and 6. The 'harvest' gathered was blessed before heading off to the foodbank to bless those who are in need. The children and staff at both schools welcomed us so warmly. It is a joy to be able to be part of school life.

Nigel and I headed off for our covid jabs this afternoon before a quick walk in the grounds of beautiful Wrest Park where we watched the ducks and swans enjoying freedom on the glistening water. The leaves on the trees are still very green and, all around, the grass is looking lush, refreshed by yesterday's rains.

In a week of turmoil with daily presentations of such awful news across the world it is so hard to know what to do and how to help. My mind has struggled to make sense of the horrors before me, and increasingly I have noticed how the small things in life have become so very important, deeply appreciative of treasured moments of joy and the peace around me but my heart breaks for those who suffer.

May God bring peace!

Sunday's services - 15 October

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion and the blessing of the new British Legion Standard, Toddington Church

6.00 pm Evensong, Toddington Church

Other events this week:

Monday 16th October

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

Tuesday 17th October

10.30 am Knitting Group,Wilkinson Hall

No Youth Group this week (Next meet: 24th and 31st at 5.45pm)

Wednesday 18th October

10.00 am – 12.00 noon Church Cleaning, Toddington Church

No Pop-Up Tea Room this week (Tebworth Hall closed). 'Pop Up' delayed a week to 25th October.

Thursday 19th October (By-Election day)

2.00 – 4.00 pm Fellowship Time, Wilkinson Hall

6.30 pm Chalgrave PCC

Friday 20th October

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 21st October

10.00 am Table-Top Sale, Wilkinson Hall. More information from Dee (poster attached)

Sunday 22nd October

9.30 am Morning Praise Service, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Morning Praise Service, Toddington Church

Upcoming events:

11.00 am Wednesday October 25th, Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room, ( cancelled because Tebworth Memorial Hall is closed for electrical repairs)

3.30 pm Friday October 27th, Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall (Poster attached)

9.30 am Saturday 28th, Royal British Legion Coffee Morning, (Methodist Church)

3.00 pm 29 October, Sunday, Toddington Town Band Concert, Toddington Church

4th November - Chalgrave Christmas Craft Fayre - Tebworth Memorial Hall (poster attached)

5th November: In Loving Memory Services: 9.30am Chalgrave Church, 3.00 pm Toddington Church. All are welcome. Please let me know the names of any loved ones you wish to remember, or sign the list in church from Sunday 29th October.

21st November 7.00 pm, A Path of Powerful Love, concert of choral music by Nicholas Hopton, Bedford School in aid of Movember. (see attached poster)

Thinking of you all



Toddington and Chalgrave