Latest newsletter from Linda the Rector

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Hello Everyone

I hope you have had a good week?

There has been a lovely build up this week to Harvest celebrations. On Wednesday the popular Pop Up Tea Room 'popped up' at Tebworth Hall with the Chalgrave Church team (and Jane), providing the most impressive array of savoury and sweet foods.  There was lots of happy conversation with people glad to be together - and you need to get there early to get a parking space!

On Thursday I visited the Nursery unit at St George's school and spent time with the children as they learned about fruit and vegetables, and they also learned how to cut them up safely. Then on Friday, the school celebrated Harvest in Collective Worship and we admired and gave thanks for the beautiful display of foods collected by the children, for the local Foodbank. Later in the afternoon, Messy Church met at Church for the first time since the Summer, and we enjoyed making special Harvest crafts with the children.. You may notice the welcome scarecrow outside Toddington Church, inviting you to our service in the morning, and the harvest loaf displayed inside which the children all contributed to.

This morning, faithful teams of volunteers got together to decorate the churches for tomorrow's morning services and this evening the church 'family' enjoyed a very special harvest supper at Wilkinson Hall, with wonderful company and wonderful tasty food, prepared by volunteers from Chalgrave and Toddington churches. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed in any way this week to the different activities, and to preparing the churches for Harvest. You work so hard, and give up so much time and effort! The decorations inside church are so beautiful and everything else has gone so well. Thank you!

Do please come tomorrow, if you can, to share in the special Harvest services when we will give thanks to God for his creation and for His provision. We are looking forward to welcoming you.If you would like to make a harvest donation of food, that will be most welcome, but if that is not possible, we fully understand. Please come anyway and just enjoy being together.

Food collected will be distributed locally to families in need of support and to the foodbank, as times are hard for many at the moment. If you are not able to come to the service, but would like to make a donation, the church is open daily during daylight hours, and food donations can be left in church.

Money donations from the harvest meal will be divided between the foodbank and the Bishop's harvest appeal. Thank you so much for anything you are able to offer. Equally, if you are in need of some help, or know a family in need, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me, Linda on 07715 603557 or Dee.

Sunday's Services

9.30am Harvest Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church

11am Harvest Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church

Next Week's Events


9.30am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church


10.30am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

No Youth Group this week!


10.30am Church Working Party.. more information from Dee


12 noon Ploughman's Lunch


10.30am Painting for Pleasure Group

Enjoy the warmer weather that is on its way in October! (Can it really be October already?!)

Have a good week

Best wishes



Toddington and Chalgrave