Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

As I type, the sky is building cloud... but no rain, so far, which is a joy. So many Saturdays lately have provided rain! The M1 was jammed and closed again today.. with traffic streaming through Toddington village, but sadly, closure usually means there has been an accident somewhere, so my thoughts go out to all involved. I watched the fire engine dash out of the village with blue warning lights flashing, which always has an ominous feel.

This week has been a week of road works in Toddington with gritter teams and lorries quickly closing roads, dispensing loads, and quickly reopening again. It seems the next stint of gritting/road signage will be with road closures for 3 days from 16 August. This is separate to the teams digging channels in the roads in Toddington and in neighbouring areas, to lay pipework. Does anyone know what this is for? It is happening in Harlington, Chalton and Toddington.

Sadly there was a theft from a car in Chalgrave Church car park during the week. As someone was tending a family grave, her handbag was lifted from her car. It seemed to have been an opportunist case and it all happened very quickly. Thankfully the handbag has been recovered but not the phone or purse. We definitely don't want this to happen again so encourage you to please be careful, It is best to remove valuables from your car and to lock other items in the boot out of sight.. and please don't forget to lock your car. In these strange times, we all need to be vigilant.

It was good to see Wilkinson Hall buzzing at Coffee morning this morning with a happy sense of conversation as people caught up with each other. Thank you to all who served and provided cakes. An equally happy time was held last Wednesday at Wilkinson Hall with creative fun time for children and adults. It's on again this Wednesday from 10-30am to 12.30pm. See attached posters about fun art time and about the next Messy Church.

At Chalgrave church we had good news on one front.. that the repair to the Chancel Beam is almost complete and the scaffolding will be coming down soon (see photo with the new oak repair in place.... but sadly, another beam in the nave (just above where I usually sit!) has also rotted through and needs repair. (See photo with the bracket in place to support the beam). The church architect will now be applying for a faculty to seek permission to move ahead with further repairs.

On Monday I led a funeral; yesterday, I led a wedding at Harlington Church and Nigel led a wedding at Flitwick Church with the groom and best man arriving driving tractors! Tomorrow I lead a service of baptism at Westoning Church, followed later by another baptism service at Toddington Church. All such special occasions. The life of a minister holds so many privileges, and a week in the life of a vicar can be quite varied!

This Sunday's Services:

9.30 am Holy Communion Service in the Lady Chapel, Chalgrave Church - Linda and Nigel

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington Church - Nigel

2.00 pm Service of Baptism - Linda

This week's services and events:

Monday 14th August

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington

2.00 pm Seated Pilates, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Tuesday 15th August

10.30 am Knitting Group

Wednesday 16th August

10.30am Creative art time, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Thursday 17th August

2.00 pm St George's Fellowship time, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Friday 18th August

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Saturday 19th August

10.00 am Cake stall on Toddington Green

Sunday 20th August

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion Service with a baptism and thanksgiving, Toddington Church

6.00 pm Evensong, Toddington Church

Wishing you a restful time this August. I hope you have a good week.

Best wishes



Toddington and Chalgrave