Latest newsletter from Linda the Rector

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello Everyone

As Europe and America swelter in extremely high temperatures, we seem to have left Summer behind here in England for a few days, with cooler, rather damp days this week and high winds forecast for this weekend which doesn't bode well for Wimbledon, or for Toddington Church cake stall on the Green in the morning. Thank you to everyone who has provided cakes for sale.

Inspired by Hampton Court Flower show last week, and with a few garden vouchers to spend, I enjoyed a few hours browsing a couple of garden centres this morning and laughed at myself standing in the pouring rain choosing plants for the garden, as the skies opened and buckets of rain poured down! Our garden seems rather bereft of colour this year, so I had a lovely time choosing a few special plants. Sadly, the rest of the day has been so wet, the plants are still waiting to be planted!

There is something very peaceful about tending a garden so if you also enjoy time outside gardening and have a few hours to spare the church gardening groups, Dee and Sandy will be very pleased to hear from you. Toddington Church group usually meets on Wednesday morning from 10am for a couple of hours, and Chalgrave Church group meets once a month. (Sandy can give more information about dates and times for Chalgrave). Any time offered, will be most welcome.

We are keen to maintain the churches in good structural order and are moving forward with restoration work within the Chancel of both churches: Chalgrave church restoration work is needed for a partly rotted roof beam, which is currently supported by scaffolding, and Toddington Church has had a recent consultation visit by the church architect to investigate fallen plaster from the East wall by the altar. Both jobs will be costly and so we will need to investigate grants and funding.. but hopefully, the work will be straightforward. Thank you so much for all your support with any of the church fundraising events. Your help is truly valued. I will update you as the work progresses.

This Sunday's services:

9.30am Chalgrave Church, Holy Communion Service - Linda

11am Toddington Church, Holy Communion Service - Linda

2pm Baptism service, Chalgrave Church - Linda

6pm Evensong Service, Toddington Church - Malcolm

This week's services and events:

Saturday 15th

10am Toddington Church Cake Stall on the Green

Sunday 16th

Services as listed above

Monday 17th

9.30am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

Tuesday 18th

10.30am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Wednesday 19th

10am Gardening Working Group, Toddington Church

Thursday 20th

2pm St George's Fellowship, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Friday 21st

10.30am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

End of Term for schools.

The Following Week:

Wednesday 26 July 11-1pm Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room - Tebworth Memorial Hall (No Pop Up Tea Room in August)

Friday 28 July 3.30pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Thinking of you all. Do please get in touch with any queries, or with offers of help.

With best wishes



Chalgrave and Toddington Churches. 

07715 603557

[email protected]