Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Notices News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello Everyone,

The sun is shining and it has been a glorious day. The big Luton - Coventry football match is in play.. and I wonder which team will win?

It has been a busy and eventful week for us with different unexpected things cropping up, but all is well. This week Chalgrave and Toddington Churches held their annual Parochial church council meetings - the time in the year when we reflect back over the previous year to give thanks for the work of so many in the church, acknowledge special times, and recognise challenges which have been faced. Each meeting reflected back the love and care, hard work and commitment of all who serve, in so many different capacities, and I am so very grateful to you all for your support and efforts. In case you are interested, I have attached my minister's APCM report for Chalgrave Church.

Youth group met in Wilkinson Hall on Tuesday evening and had a 'fruitful' discussion about the 'I am' sayings of Jesus, with a focus on bread. Messy Church children and school assembly this week focused on 'Pentecost'. We had a range of crafts at Messy Church.. but, as usual, the cooking corner was very popular with children decorating 'Holy Spirit' dove biscuits. There seems to be a theme developing here as Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room last Wednesday was a lovely time with people enjoying a range of cakes and lovely foods.

This Sunday we celebrate 'Pentecost' - the Birthday of the Church - when the Holy Spirit came in Jerusalem so many years ago and 3,000 people dedicated themselves to follow Jesus, and were baptised. People spoke in many different languages and were so energised by the Holy Spirit, the Bible tells us they had flames of fire on their heads. Wow! What a special time. There is a special call to prayer and worship tomorrow, to join together as a nation to pray for the knowledge of Jesus to be spread across the nation. Please spare a moment tomorrow to join us in this prayer.

This Sunday's services. on May 28th

9.30 am Chalgrave Church, Holy Communion Service

11.00 am, Toddington Church, Holyn. Communion Service

This week's events.. (school half term holidays)

Monday 29 May - Bank Holiday

Tuesday 30 May - Knitting group 10.30 am Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 31 May - Church grounds working party 10.00 am – 12.00 noon. More information from Dee

Thursday 1 June - Ploughman's lunch 12.00 noon,. Wilkinson Hall and Toddington PCC, 2.30 pm at Toddington Rectory.

Friday 2 June - Painting for Pleasure group, 10.30 am Wilkinson Hall

Sunday 4 June

9.30 am service, Chalgrave

11.00 am service, Toddington

It is a slightly calmer week this week and the weather promises to be good which is always encouraging.

Happy Pentecost!

Wishing you many blessings

