Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Lent Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello Everyone

I hope you have had a good week. It's been a very busy week for me, but it has also been a joy to meet up with so many people either in school, at the Lent courses, or at the different church activities. Thank you to all who have helped or supported the various church events.

Chalgrave monthly 'Pop Up Tea Room' had an array of tempting cakes, which happy people consumed while supping teas, tasting soup or quiche, or buying home-made cards and raffle tickets. As usual there was a lovely friendly atmosphere.

Today at Toddington there was an enticing smell of cooked bacon and sausages to greet visitors to the tabletop sale; on Wednesday I popped by to Toddington Lent lunch which had a wonderful selection of hot soups and a room full of contented chatting people. Then I had a treat to climb to the top of the church tower with John to learn about the bells, clock and standard (and catch up on some bellringers markings).. and I was able to view the parish, which felt rather special as the Rector (a few photos attached). You may have heard us toll a bell a few times.

On Tuesday evening I met up with the Royal British Legion at their monthly meeting where they discussed their arrangements for the King's Coronation (poster attached). On Thursday, and Tuesday, I attended the lower school and enjoyed leading a weekly worship in the good company of Roger Stares who kindly shared telling the story of the Last Supper, and played piano as the children sang. And finally, on Friday, Nigel and I headed off to a special ceremony in Bedford for the installation of the new High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, Russell Beard, who has invited Nigel to be his chaplain, which is a huge privilege. Each event this week has been special.. and I thank you for your part in the busyness of the week. Here's to next week!

We look forward to hosting year two children in church on Thursday morning to view the Easter Encounter' prayer stations. Some of us will be starting to install some stations in church tomorrow after the morning service, and further stations on Tuesday between 11.15 and 1.45pm. It would be wonderful to have some helpers and volunteers please to install a station, or to assist in church next Thursday to help to make the children feel welcome and/or to 'cover' a prayer station by explaining to the children the focus and theme.

If you have any plants in pots or foliage that can be used to decorate the garden of Gethsemane or the tomb garden, or large pebbles or larger stones, it would be appreciated please.

This Friday we will be holding Messy Church at 3.15 pm and we also hope to hold another Messy Church session on Good Friday at 10.30 am, both sessions will be in Wilkinson Hall.

On Wednesday evening, of Holy Week we are pleased to host a reflective Holy Week service with the Quintet Choir singing some lovely pieces. Then we will move fully into our Easter Services.

This Sunday's services:

9.30 am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave - Linda and Nigel

11.00 am Holy Communion Service, Toddington - Linda (NB no baptism this week - please pray for Ariana who is sick)

Services and Events this week:

Monday 27th March

9.00 am Morning Prayer, Toddington (Earlier time just for this week).

2.00 pm Seated Pilates, Wilkinson Hall

7.00 pm Toddington Lent Course at the Rectory (different time this week)

Tuesday 28th March

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

5.45 pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 29th March

12.00 noon, Lent Lunch, Wilkinson Hall

7.30 pm Chalgrave Lent Course

Thursday 30th March

10.30 am and 11.30 am Year 2 visit to Easter Encounter Prayer stations, Toddington church

Friday 31st March

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure, Wilkinson Hall

3.30 pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall

Sunday 2nd April - Palm Sunday

9.30 am Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Toddington Church

Holy Week services

7.30 pm, Wednesday, An Easter Reflective Service with the Quintet Choir

6.00 pm Maundy Thursday Benefice meal in Wilkinson Hall, followed by a service in church

Good Friday

9.30 am Stations at the Cross, Service with reflective readings, Chalgrave Church

10.30 am – 12.00 noon Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall

2.00 pm The final hour at the cross, reflective service, Toddington Church

Easter Saturday

8.00 pm Confirmation Service at St Albans Abbey - please pray for our candidates: Diane, Len and Lianne.

Easter Sunday

9.30 am Chalgrave Church, Easter Day Holy Communion Service

11.00 am Toddington Church, Easter Day, Holy Communion Service

It's a full letter this week. I am sure to have forgotten something.

Can I please ask you to hold Dee, Pat and Peggy in your prayers for healing and good recovery.

With much love to you all

God bless
