Facilities and features


Accessible toilet facilities are available

Changing facilities are available in the accessible toilet

Plentiful parking on the road (Park Lane) adjacent to the church

Accessible toilet facilities are available

Ramped entrance via the North porch

Cakes and biscuits usually available

Our Building

Church usually open 9-5

Stained Glass

The church is a Grade 1 listed building

Music and Worship

Our set of 6 bells are often rung for main services and weddings

Our organ is often used to accompany/lead worship

Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

The Benefice has a home Bible study group which meets on Tuesday evenings - see our weekly pew notice sheet for details of the venue.

Our Community Cafe is every second Saturday of the month in the church building from 10.30 until midday.

Ad hoc Messy Church events are offered 5 to 6 times per year

Help for Visitors

There is a guidebook for the church which we endeavour to keep copies available just inside the entrance.

Normally open 9-5

Other Features

Conservation Area