Easter Newsletter from Ministers Nigel and Linda

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16th April 2022

Hello Everyone,

What a glorious Easter weekend this has been, where the sunshine has filled us with a sense of momentum and some optimism as Spring shows itself in full glory.

Holy Week has been marked by a faithful following of the journey of Christ into Jerusalem and Linda and I attended a packed St Albans Abbey for the Maundy Thursday Chrism Service when the oils for anointing are blessed and ministers renewed their vows. The singing was tremendous and the whole occasion very uplifting.

We held our own services for Maundy Thursday in our churches to mark Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. These were more intimate and still so special. Then Good Friday plunged us into the reality of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. With the altars stripped, the starkness and enormity of what Jesus did for each one of us hit home.

Now we are on the cusp of Easter Day and the celebration of the Resurrection, a reason for real hope, a reason for true momentum. Services will reflect the joy of this Easter season

Easter Day Services
7.00 am Westoning Church, Dawn Service followed by Breakfast. All welcome- Nigel
9.30 am Chalgrave Church, Holy Communion - Linda
9.30 am Harlington Church, Holy Communion - Nigel and Robert
9.30 am Tingrith Church, Morning Praise - Jon.
11.00 am Toddington Church, Holy Communion - Linda
11.00 am Westoning Church, Holy Communion - Nigel

Other services and events this week
Monday 18th April - Bank Holiday

Tuesday 19th April
Westcaf 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Westoning Village Hall
Knitting Group, 10.30 am – 12.00 noon Wilkinson Hall, Toddington
Sewing Bees 1.00 pm Westoning Village Hall

Wednesday 20th April
Harlington Morning Service at 10.00 am? (might not meet this week)

Thursday 21st April
Fellowship with Friends 2.00 pm Wilkinson Hall

Friday 22nd April
Painting for Pleasure Group Wilkinson Hall, 10.30 am – 12.00 noon

Saturday 23rd April
Coffee Morning 10.00 am – 12.00 noon, Wilkinson Hall
Celebrate St George's Day - 7.30 pm Ceilidh Dance and Supper (but bring own drinks), Wilkinson Hall. Tickets £12 (or £30 for families) from Punch Opticians or Dee on 01525 872649

A couple of dates for your diaries:
Children's Art Attack, Toddington Church, 3.30 - 5.30pm Friday 29th April with Stanley Greening.
800 yrs Celebration Service with Bishop Richard, Toddington Church 30th April, 3pm.

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter, and sending our love and prayers

Linda and Nigel