Latest news letter from Nigel and Linda, the ministers

Lent Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear Friends,

The week passes and the depth of sadness over Ukraine deepens. The human tragedies and violence tempt us to despair. How can peaceable people be treated so?

Many people have been seeking ways to offer support and aid either financially or practically and hopefully, soon, refugees will be able to make their way to this country to find peace and support. To be able to offer practical aid will be better than the current distanced incomprehension. We pray and must keep on praying but may we also look to ways of our heartfelt prayers being realised in tangible and effective action. Is there room in our hearts: is there room in our homes? The diocese are currently investigating the best way we can offer help and will release more information next week.

There are still joys, people meeting and sharing, giving and receiving, in love and in peace. And this week has been a special week. Nigel and I led a school assembly at Parkfields school where we spoke about prayer, and Dee and I shared an assembly at St George's school about Jesus' miracle of feeding the 5,000, which seems rather appropriate in the context of Ukraine with so many refugees needing food and care. On Friday, it was a delight to welcome lots of children to Messy Church - our first Messy Church since December.. and to share fun, songs, crafts and tea. We also had fun at Youth Group on Tuesday.. so it has been a busy week at Toddington.

A special memorial service to Paul Scrivener on Monday united congregations from each of our villages as we paid tribute to him and shared some of his poems. What a beautiful touch of humour and memory he shared with us. Westoning Westcaf was abuzz on Tuesday, Little Stars and Fellowship time were busy.. and there are so many groups meeting happily within the two benefices.. people glad to meet up again.

The days are getting longer and warmer and the gardens are springing into life.. and people have been smiling in the sunshine!


Chalgrave 9.30 am Holy Communion Linda

Harlington 9.30 am Holy Communion Nigel/Robert

Westoning 9.30 am Families Service Rebecca, 11.00 am Holy Communion Nigel

Toddington Holy Communion 11.00 am Linda

Upper Room by Zoom at 6pm lead by Lay Leader of Worship Philip Steer. Access link:

This Week's Services and events:

Monday 14th March

Morning Prayer at Toddington Church 9.30 am

Seated Pilates with Jo 2.00 pm Wilkinson Hall

The Bible Course online session 7, 7.45 pm considering the Acts and the Church.

Zoom link:

For details of how to join please contact Revd Linda

Tuesday 15th March

Westoning: Westcaf 10.00 am – 12.00 noon. Sewing Bee 1.00 – 3.00 pm. At Westoning Village Hall. All welcome

Toddington: Knitting Group 10.30 am – 12.00 noon Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 16th March

Harlington Church: Morning Service at 10.00 am

Thursday 17th March

Toddington: St George's Fellowship 2.00 – 4.00 pm - bring a large pebble to decorate.

Lent Course by Zoom 7.45 – 9.00 pm: ‘Unanswered Prayers.’ Zoom link:

Friday 18th March

Toddington: Painting for Pleasure 10.30 am – 12.00 noon.

Westoning: Little Stars at Westoning Church 1.15 - 2.45 pm. Friday Fellowship Westoning Village Hall 2.00 – 4.00 pm

ADVANCE NOTICE: There will be a Lent Course (Walking with Jesus) held at Mary Rutherford’s House starting on 21st March at 3.00 pm. Please let her or a minister know if you’d like to attend.

FRIENDS EVENING: On the 25th March between 7.00 and 8.00 pm there will be a meeting in Harlington Church explaining the restoration work planned and the plans the church has for the future. In time we would like to form an association of friends of the church from people in the village and beyond who value the building. We would also like members of the church to attend as well. Refreshments will be served.

We wish you every blessing and a happy, healthy week
