For Harlington, Tingrith and Westoning
Sunday 2nd Feb 8:00am Harlington Holy Communion (BCP)9:30am Harlington Morning Prayer
9:30am Tingrith Holy Communion11:00am Westoning Holy Communion
Tues 4th Feb 10am-12noon WESTCAF at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME.1pm-3:30pm CRAFT & SEWING BEE – at Westoning Village Hall. Enquiries to Janice 01525 713545
1:15-2:45pm LITTLE STARS Toddler Group in Westoning Lower School. For pre-school children and babies with parents/carers. All welcome. For further details contact Rebecca on 07877 342640Wed 5th Feb 10:00am Harlington Morning Service
Fri 7th Feb 2:00pm FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP at Westoning Village Hall. Come and join us for the afternoon. Speakers, crafts, games, a cuppa and company. All welcome. Any enquiries to Joyce 01525 752747NEXT SUNDAY
Sunday 9th Feb 9:00am Harlington Messy Church in Parish Hall9:30am Harlington Holy Communion
Tingrith NO SERVICE11:00am Westoning Holy Communion
DATES FOR YOUR DIARYBasic Safeguarding Training 06 February 2025 10.15 - 12.30 Westoning Village Hall
This is a requirement for all who hold any volunteer role including PCC members, helpers with any activities in the Benefice churches, welcomers, and bell ringers etc.Jenna Dearden is coming to deliver the training which is open to all three Benefice churches. Please could you reserve your place by contacting Jane Steer phone number 07800862124 or email [email protected]
Many thanks, there will be cake and tea and coffee.Next Messy Church: Sunday 9th February in Harlington Parish Hall from 9am. Come together for breakfast, Bible story and have fun being creative making some children's craft work. All welcome.
Next MEN'S BREAKFAST Saturday 15 February 2025. Full details will be available shortly.QUIZ NIGHT: Saturday 8th March in Harlington Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. Donations for entry, suggested min £5, includes tea, coffee and nibbles. Or bring your own drink. Teams of up to 6 people. If you don't have a team, do come along and we'll find you one for the evening. There is also a raffle. Proceeds to the Church Restoration Fund. Please book your place with Tricia or Neil and there is also a list to sign at the back of Harlington Church.