Latest news and weekly update from Sunday 2nd June

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For Harlington, Tingrith and Westoning

Sunday 2nd June 8:00am Harlington BCP Morning Prayer led by Nick Crago9:30am Harlington Morning Prayer led by Robert Johns9:30am Tingrith Morning Prayer led by Steve Farmer11:00am Westoning Communion by Extension led by Steve & Jon

Tuesday 10:00am-12.00noon Westcaf at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME. Weekly social gathering offering coffee, tea and a piece of cake and company, all free – time to chat and to meet friends old and new. Volunteers always welcome.

1:00-3:30pm Craft & Sewing Bee - at Westoning Village Hall. Come and join us for the afternoon – bring your own project and enjoy a cuppa and chat while you work. All welcome - enquiries to Penny 01525 – 720695

Wednesday 10:00am Harlington Morning Service.

7:30pm Father Mark’s Licensing Service at Harlington.

Friday 1:15-2:45pm Little Stars Toddler Group in Westoning Lower School. Please contact Margaret 07958 292655 or Jane 07800 862124 for further details.

2:00pm Friday Fellowship at Westoning Village Hall come and join us for the afternoon. Speakers, crafts, games and a cuppa and company. All welcome. Any enquiries to Joyce 01525 752747

Saturday 7:00pm Tingrith Choir Concert at Manor Farm – by ticket only - £10 Contact 07800 868728 or 01525 872076 for further details

Sunday 2:00pm Tingrith Choir Concert at Manor Farm – by ticket only - £10 Contact 07800 868728 or 01525 872076 for further details

NEXT SUNDAYSunday 9th 10:00am Benefice Communion Service at Westoning led by Fr Mark followed by Benefice Lunch at Westoning Village Hall. For catering, please let your churchwarden or Linda Little know if you will be attending the lunch and tell them if you have any dietary requirements or food allergies.


Home Group, “Going Deeper into God” Anyone interested in joining this group please contact Margaret on 07958292655. This is open to ALL.


29th June- Midsummer Supper, 7pm at Harlington Church. Pimms or juice on arrival and 3 coursessupper. Tickets £25 from [email protected] Please bring your own drink. There will be a raffle.