BENEFICE BULLETINFor Harlington, Tingrith and WestoningSunday 15th Dec 9:30am Harlington Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Robert Johns9:30am Tingrith Christingle – led by Steve Farmer11:00am Westoning Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Robert JohnsTues 17th Dec 10am-12noon WESTCAF at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME.1pm-3pm CRAFT & SEWING BEE – at Westoning Village Hall. Christmas Party enquiries to Janice – 01525 7135456:30pm Tingrith Village Carol SingingWed 18th Dec 10:00am Harlington Morning Service 6:00pm Harlington Carols – Salvation ArmyFri 20th Dec 11:00am Healing Rooms Christmas Carols at Flitwick Village Hall19:30pm Harlington Carol Service led by Fr. Mark, Steve Farmer & Robert JohnsNEXT SUNDAYSunday 22nd Dec 9:30am Harlington Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Robert Johns3:00pm Tingrith Nativity led by Father Mark and Steve Farmer11:00am Westoning Christingle led by Rebecca Caird and Fr. Mark7:00pm Westoning Carol Service led by Fr. Mark, Steve Farmer & Robert JohnsDATES FOR YOUR DIARYCome and join the Healing Rooms team in singing carols at Flitwick Village Hall on Friday 20th December at 11a.m. All are welcome! Come and make a joyful noise to celebrate our Lord's coming into this world, and share His love with the community.THE NEED PROJECT – CHRISTMAS FOOD PARCELS LATEST DAY FOR DONATIONS SUNDAY 08 DECEMBER 2024 - see notice on donation container in Church porch. Latest date for normal food and personal care products Sunday 15 December.Flitwick Singers Christmas Concert in aid of Dementia UK is on Sunday 15th at 7:30pm at the Sacred Heart Church, Flitwick. Tickets, £10 including refreshments, are available at, from 01525 753686 or at the door.Tingrith Village Carol Singing on Tuesday 17th at 6:30pm. If you would like to join us that would be lovely. We will meet outside church.
BENEFICE BULLETINFor Harlington, Tingrith and WestoningSunday 8th Dec 9:30am Harlington Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Steve FarmerTingrith NO SERVICE11:00am Westoning Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Steve FarmerTues 10th Dec 10am-12noon WESTCAF at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME.1pm-3pm CRAFT & SEWING BEE – at Westoning Village Hall. All welcome – enquiries to Janice – 01525 7135451:30pm Little Stars at Westoning School enquiries to Rebecca Caird 07877 342640Wed 11th Dec 10:00am Harlington Morning ServiceTWIG at the Village Hall – straight from school. Christmas. Enquiries to Rebecca Caird 07877 3426402:00pm MacIntyre Carol Service in Westoning churchFri 13th Dec 2:00pm FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP at Westoning Village Hall. Any enquiries to Joyce - 01525 7527475:45-7:15pm Lighthouse Group – Westoning Church All things Christmas - Enquiries to Rebecca Caird 07877 342640NEXT SUNDAYSunday 15th Dec 9:30am Harlington Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Steve Farmer9:30am Tingrith Christingle – led by Steve Farmer11:00am Westoning Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Steve FarmerDATES FOR YOUR DIARYA big THANK YOU to all who so generously gave children's pyjamas for the Christmas appeal. We passed on 31 sets to Lucy. She will be able to deliver over 1800 parcels to around 50 children's cancer treatment sites.Come and join the Healing Rooms team in singing carols at Flitwick Village Hall on Friday 20th December at 11a.m. All are welcome! Come and make a joyful noise to celebrate our Lord's coming into this world, and share His love with the community.THE NEED PROJECT – CHRISTMAS FOOD PARCELS LATEST DAY FOR DONATIONS SUNDAY 08 DECEMBER 2024 - see notice on donation container in Church porch. Latest date for normal food and personal care products Sunday 15 December.Flitwick Singers Christmas Concert in aid of Dementia UK is on Sunday 15th at 7:30pm at the Sacred Heart Church, Flitwick. Tickets, £10 including refreshments, are available at, from 01525 753686 or at the door.
BENEFICE BULLETINFor Harlington, Tingrith and WestoningSunday 24th Nov 9:30am Harlington Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Robert Johns9:30am Tingrith Morning Prayer led by Steve Farmer11:00am Westoning Family Service on screen led by Fr Mark and Rebecca CairdTues 26th Nov 10am-12noon WESTCAF at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME.1pm-3pm CRAFT & SEWING BEE – at Westoning Village Hall. All welcome – enquiries to Janice – 01525 7135451:30pm Little Stars at Westoning School enquiries to Rebecca Caird 07877 342640Wed 27h Nov 10:00am Harlington Morning ServiceFri 29th Nov 2:00pm FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP at Westoning Village Hall. Any enquiries to Joyce - 01525 7527477:15pm Lighthouse Group at Westoning church. Enquiries to Rebecca Caird 07877 342640NEXT SUNDAYSunday 1st Dec 8:00am Harlington Holy Communion (BCP) led by Fr. Mark and Nick Crago9:30am Harlington Morning Prayer led by Robert Johns5:00pm Harlington Tree Festival with Christmas Carols9:30am Tingrith Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark11:00am Westoning Holy Communion led by Fr Mark and Steve FarmerDATES FOR YOUR DIARY.Saturday 23rd November 10am -1pm. Our popular Art Attack is back at St Mary's. Free entry.With a Christmas theme, lots of crafts and painting. Let's make the church colourful for Christmas! Aprons provided and refreshments are available.St Mary's Messy Afternoon Tea Sunday 1st December at 3.15pm in the Parish Hall. Tea, stories and craft. All welcome.Salvation Army Christmas Toy Appeal. St Mary's Church is collecting new and unwrapped toys for children in Luton who might otherwise not have a gift to open on Christmas Day. Please bring donations to the church when open, or to any of our upcoming events. Art Attack Sat 23rd 10 - 1pm or Christmas Tree Festival Sat 30th and Sunday 1st Dec 12-5pm. Donations should be made by Sunday 1st December. Thank you.Christmas Tree Festival: St Mary's doors open between 12 -5pm on Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December. Craft stalls, refreshments and raffle. Our theme this year is 'Christmas Around the World'. Adult ticket £2.50, children free. Festival Finale at 5pm on Sunday with stories and song, including music sung by Harlington Lower School Choir.MEN'S BREAKFAST SATURDAY 07 December at ‘The Chequers’ Westoning for 9.00 am start. £9 per head. PRE-BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL to advise final numbers in advance. To avoid being disappointed please book your place by email to or telephone (01525) 862357. SPEAKER Richard Atkinson, Bishop of Bedford.PYJAMAS FOR CHRISTMAS - Hospital is not a nice place for a child to be at Christmas. Can you support Lucy Sweeney as she tries to provide new pyjamas for these children? Please wrap them and add a label with age/gender (any size from birth to 18 years), then pop your present in the box at church by 1st December please.Church Christmas Card- This will need to be delivered to each house in Westoning between Sunday 24th and Saturday 30th November as it contains details of l services during December. Can you do a road or two? Please speak to Peter or give your name to Steve. Cards will be in church to pick up on Sunday 24th. Thank you.
BENEFICE BULLETINFor Harlington, Tingrith and WestoningSunday 17th Nov 9:30am Harlington Holy Communion led by Fr. MarkTingrith NO SERVICE11:00am Westoning Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Steve FarmerTues 19th Nov 10am-12noon WESTCAF at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME.1pm-3pm CRAFT & SEWING BEE – at Westoning Village Hall. All welcome – enquiries to Janice – 01525 7135451:30pm Little Stars at Westoning School enquiries to Rebecca Caird 07877 342640Wed 20h Nov 10:00am Harlington Morning ServiceFri 22nd Nov 2:00pm FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP at Westoning Village Hall. Come and join us for the afternoon. Speakers, crafts, games, a cuppa and company. All welcome. Any enquiries to Joyce - 01525 752747NEXT SUNDAYSunday 24th Nov 9:30am Harlington Holy Communion led by Fr. Mark and Robert Johns9:30am Tingrith Morning Prayer led by Steve Farmer11:00am Westoning Family Service on screen led by Fr Mark and Rebecca CairdDATES FOR YOUR DIARY.Saturday 23rd November 10am -1pm. Our popular Art Attack is back at St Mary's. Free entry.With a Christmas theme, lots of crafts and painting. Let's make the church colourful for Christmas! Aprons provided and refreshments are available.Sunday 24th November the Lighthouse Youth Group will be involved with the Westoning Lights Switch on. We will be raising money for the church by way of a Chocolate tombola! If you are able or willing to donate some chocolate to us for this event, we would be very grateful! Please bring your donations to church on the morning of 24th November or drop off at WestCaf on the 19th November. Many thanks in advance - Rebecca xxPYJAMAS FOR CHRISTMAS - Hospital is not a nice place for a child to be at Christmas. Can you support Lucy Sweeney as she tries to provide new pyjamas for these children? Please wrap them and add a label with age/gender (any size from birth to 18 years), then pop your present in the box at church by 1st December please.Church Christmas Card- This will need to be delivered to each house in Westoning between Sunday 24th and Saturday 30th November as it contains details of l services during December. Can you do a road or two? Please speak to Peter or give your name to Steve. Cards will be in church to pick up on Sunday 24th. Thank you.Church Magazine. We are looking for someone to edit Village Link, the church magazine, on a regular basis. Could that be you? Please speak to Linda L or Fr Mark.