Latest letter from the Ministers Nigel and Linda

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news

Hello Everyone

How joyous is the sunshine which is bathing us all in warmth and light this weekend.. even if the lawns and gardens are taking off apace. We hope you are well and have had a good week.

Nigel and I attended a meeting with the Harlington Help Ukraine support group last week and learned more about their efforts to host Ukrainian refugees. Families are now starting to arrive in Harlington after the lengthy visa application process. If anyone is interested to learn more about the possibility of hosting a refugee or family, please do link with Linda or Nigel and we can organise an information evening to help the process, drawing on Harlington experience. Some Westoning and Toddington parishioners are interested to support/host and there may be others? It will be helpful to also establish a support network where families (English and Ukraine) can link to help each other so do please get in touch with us if you have any interest to offer support.

This Sunday's services are as follows:

9.30 am Holy Communion Service at Chalgrave

9.30 am Morning Prayer Service at Tingrith

9.30 am Churches Together Christian Aid Service at Harlington

11.00 am Holy Communion Service at Toddington

11.00 am Holy Communion Service with a Baptism, Westoning

6.00 pm Upper Room Christian Aid Zoom Service. Access Link: Join Zoom Meeting

For details of how to join contact Revd Linda

Other Services and Events this week:

Monday 16 May

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington

1.30 pm Jillian Martin Memorial Service, Westoning

Tuesday 17 May

10.00 am – 12.00 noon Westcaf Westoning Village Hall

10.30 am – 12.00 noon Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

1.00 – 3.00 pm Sewing Bee, Westoning Village Hall

Wednesday 18th May

9.30 – 11.00 am Toddington Church Clean

10.00 am Harlington Morning Service

3.30 pm TWIG Time with God, Westoning Village Hall

Thursday 19th May

2.00 pm St George's Fellowship, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Friday 20th May

10.30 am - 12.30 pm Painting for Pleasure group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

1.15 - 2.45 pm Little Stars, Westoning Church

2.00 – 4.00 pm Friday Fellowship, Westoning Village Hall

NB: The Music Hall evening event planned for Toddington has been postponed to later in the year.

Saturday 21st May

Cake Stall on Toddington Green 9.30 am

Wedding of Maria and Mark 2.00 pm Harlington Church

Future Dates for your diaries:

June 11th: Harlington Church Poetry Day - more information to follow

Platinum Jubilee week-end 2-5 June

Toddington and Chalgrave

Thursday 2nd June

7.30 pm: The Lighting of the Village Beacon by the Royal British Legion, BBQ by Toddington Scouts, and Ukie Tunes Ukulele band, Toddington Green

Friday 3rd June

10.30 am, Toddington Church - Civic Service to give thanks for the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1.00 – 6.00 pm, Chalgrave Memorial Hall, Village Jubilee Party with live music, pop up tea room, fun and games.

NB: NO Messy Church on Friday 3rd

Saturday 4th June - Entertainment at the Recreation Ground

Sunday 5th June 9.30 am Service at Chalgrave Church and 11.00 am Service at Toddington Church, followed by afternoon Village Street parties.

Plus more village planned Jubilee activities.

Looking ahead with more diary dates:

Youth Group, 5.30 – 7.00 pm Toddington, 7 June and 5 July (older group) and 14 June and 12 July Youth Group (younger group)

Tuesday 14 June: Royal British Legion service on Toddington Green

Wednesday 22 June, an eveningConfirmation Service at Westoning Church. If you would like to find out more about being confirmed please speak to Nigel or Linda

2-3 July - Open Gardens in Toddington - organised by the Friends of St George's Church

17-18 September - Petal and Purl festival, Toddington Church (as part of 800 years celebrations)

25 September - Harvest Festival Services, Chalgrave and Toddington Churches

Sending you our love and prayers. Enjoy the sunshine!

Linda and Nigel