latest newsletter from the Ministers Nigel and Linda

Blue_Reading_Sheet_20_February_2022_9DeJaFn.pdf Download
World_Day_of_Prayer_March_2022_DvKJIfA.pdf Download
Paul_Scrivener_Memorial_service_OcgSWNV.docx Download
Lent Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear Friends,

Is your roof still on? Is the garden shed still there? We hope you are all safe and well.

What a storm raged on Friday with such high winds and chilling weather - drawing so many of us across the country to batten down the hatches and hunker up in safety at home. It is the first time that London has had a Red weather warning, and this warning was one of two, reaching across from the South-West to our more easterly region. Today, there are many signs along the roadside of battered and broken trees and hedgerows, and local reports of uprooted fences, broken green houses and more.

How high the waves flew on the coast too.. and sadly, some people across the country, lost their lives in the storms. Our thoughts go out the victims and to their families.

In Job we read: “Out of the south comes the storm, and out of the north the cold.” (Job 37:9) and our reading from the Gospel of Luke, this Sunday, is about Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. How terrified the disciples were in the midst of that storm until Jesus came and stilled the waves. Seeing reports of the raging seas on Friday, we can empathise with them. May Jesus come to still the storm in your own lives.

As I watched the trees bending and waving in the strong winds... praying that our roof would stay on the house, I found myself contemplating how one particular tree took the enormous force of the wind and in so doing, protected the trees behind; bending, buckling under the wind, but then springing back resiliently to stand tall again. It seemed a metaphor for our own lives - to be flexible, rooted, resilient and standing tall in the knowledge and faith of Jesus' love and protection.

What is true physically is certainly true spiritually. Where are we safe? Our walk in faith and trust is essential to us and that entails two things, a secure foundation in God and in what we know and believe in Jesus, and a reaching out and a stepping out in love, helping and encouraging others.

It is good to see people returning to worship in church and it is good to see people meeting together socially and planning events for the rest of the year. Thank you for joining in and playing your part.

We are fast approaching the season of Lent which is a wonderful time to get back on track and be more disciplined in our lives. Ash Wednesday is on 2nd March and that day services will be offered in many of our churches. There will also be some Lent courses for the lentern season

The World Day of Prayer service this year will be held at Harlington Methodist Church on Friday 4th March at 2pm and there will also be an online zoom link.

Paul Scrivener’s Memorial Servicewill be held at Westoning Parish Church on 7thMarch at 2.30pm.

Services for Sunday 20th February

Chalgrave Church: 9.30 am Morning Praise service - led by Steve

Harlington 9.30 am Holy Communion Linda

Tingrith 9.30 am Holy Communion Jon/Nigel

Toddington 11.00 am Holy Communion Service - Linda and Steve

Westoning 11.00 am Holy Communion Jon/Nigel

Toddington Church: Thinking Day service 4.00 pm - Linda

The Upper Room online service on Sunday at 6.00 pm Theme: ‘Heaven on Earth’

For details of how to join please contact Revd Linda

The Church of England online Sunday service for the Second Sunday before Lent is led by:

Rev Richard Allen, from The Benefice of Trelawny, Cornwall, who will be preaching about Jesus calming the storm.

You can watch it live on Sunday 20 February from 9am on our website, Facebook or YouTube . It will be available for playback immediately after as well.

Other services and events this week:

Monday 21st February

9.30 am Morning Prayer - Toddington Church

10.45 am The Bible Course session 4 - the Rectory.

7.45 pm The Bible Course session 4 online: Zoom link:

For details of how to join please contact Revd Linda

Tuesday 22nd February

10.30 am – 12.00 noon Knitting group - Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

10.00 am – 12.00 noon Westcaf at Westoning Village Hall

1.00 – 3.00 pm Sewing Bee at Westoning Village Hall

Wednesday 23rd February

11.00 am – 1.00 pm Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall

Thursday 24th February

Toddington PCC Meeting 7.30 pm (by Zoom - link to be issued)

Friday 25th February

Painting for Pleasure group 10.30 am – 12.00 noon, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Little Stars 1.15 pm – 2.45 pm Westoning Church

Friday Fellowship 2.00 – 4.00 pm Westoning Village Hall

Youth Club 5.45 pm - 7.15 pm Westoning Village Hall

Saturday 26th February

Coffee Morning and Book Sale 10.00 am – 12.00 noon, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

We will send you further details about Lent courses and Lent lunches in due course.

Have a good week.

Linda and Nigel