Latest letter from the Ministers Nigel and Linda

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Hello Everyone

I hope you have had a good week, enjoying the approach of Spring. The days are lengthening, the birds are beginning to chirp in the trees, the bulbs are pushing through the soil and there are bunches of daffodils for sale in the shops. How bright and cheerful they look as they emerge.

However, as the bulbs begin to emerge, so the shoots on the shrubs also bursting forth, and I have spent time, with friends, this week, cutting back overgrown shrubs at the Rectory which were in much need of attention... but it is going to seem rather bare until all burst back into new growth. How tall buddleia gets! The cutting back was fun.. but there are now large piles of foliage stacked up on the back lawn to be disposed of - so I think I will become quite a regular visitor to the tip!

What has the approaching springtime inspired you to do this week?

We look forward to gathering with you at the various churches and events this week. Here are the details of the week's arrangements:

Sunday services for Sunday 13 February:

Harlington 9.30 am Holy Communion - Nigel and Robert

Chalgave 9.30 am Holy Communion - Linda

Toddington 11.00 am Holy Communion - Linda


Family Service 9.30 am - with a theme of 'Love' led by Rebecca.

11.00 am Holy Communion, Nigel with Robert

Baptism 12.45 pm - Nigel

Tingrith Church - no service this week

The Upper Room online zoom service is at 6.00 pm and this week's topic is:

​For details of how to join please contact Revd Linda

This week's services and events:

Monday: 14 February (Half-term week)

Morning Prayer 9.30 am, Toddington Church

Seated Pilates 2.00 pm Wilkinson Hall

The Bible Course: Session 3, The Rectory 4.00 pm (Change of time this week)

(No Bible course evening session this week. We gather again next week for session 4).

Tuesday 15 February

Westcaf 10.00 am and Sewing Bee 1.30 pm at Westoning Village Hall,

Knitting Group 10.30 am – 12.00 noon, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Wednesday 16 February

Morning Service at Harlington 10.00 am

TWIG SPECIAL at Westoning Village Hall at 9.00 am to 10.30 am for children 0-9yrs and their families. The theme is LOVE and breakfast will be served. More information from Rebecca and Nigel.

Thursday 17 February

Harlington Church: Funeral 10.30 am

St George's Fellowship - a floral afternoon with June, 2.00 pm Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

Friday 18 February

'Painting for Pleasure' group 10.30 am, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

No Little Stars group at Westoning this week.

Friday Fellowship 2.00 pm The Village Hall, Westoning - topic 'Whom shall we invite for dinner?'

Harlington Church Online Quiz by Zoom 7.15 pm. More information from Neil and Tricia

Saturday 19 February

New and Nearly New Sale, Wilkinson Hall 10.00 – 1.00 pm

A guided look around St George's church 10.30 am – 12.00 noon

Many of you will have known Paul Scrivener who still holds a special place in many of our hearts. There will be a memorial service to celebrate and pay tribute to Paul's life on Monday March 7th at 2.00 pm at Westoning Church. More information from Nigel. (poster attached).

Sending this email to you in sunshine. I hope you have a sunny day!

Wishing our schools, children and families a wonderful half term holiday.

Have a good week

God bless

Linda and Nigel