Latest letter from Revs Nigel and Linda,

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

It has been busy week with so much going on and we are now drawing breath for the week ahead.

With infections rising worryingly both locally and nationally we pray that you stay safe and well. We also pray for those from our parishes who are affected at the moment. Please join us in these prayers, and let us also pray for the teachers and pupils in the schools and families, that they get a good rest over half-term.

This week Nigel and I were delighted to visit Parkfields school on Tuesday and Wednesday to speak at their harvest assemblies and we were very impressed by the colourful display of foods gathered for the foodbank and by the warm welcome by staff and pupils. It is the first time that we have been able to return to the school for almost a year, and it was very special to be back. Wednesday was a busy day with a morning visit to St George of England lower school and the the joyful hosting in the evening of a joint baptism and confirmation service led by Bishop Richard, with candidates from Toddington, Westoning and Barton churches. It was the first Confirmation service at Toddington Church since 2003 and was suitably special. We send our congratulations to all five candidates.

Harlington, Toddington and Chalgrave PCCs met this week and Westoning meets next week. We thank all involved in this, and other roles, who do so much to support the individual parish churches voluntarily serving and supporting with such commitment.

Each church is taking time to consider wise Stewardship with sermons, information and discussion as we reflect on our personal gifts and talents, and on the church's financial provision, as we seek to move forward into a new season of mission, outreach and ministry whilst also looking to financially resource the churches for future generations, and also to balance the books.

As we come to review our Mission Action Plans, please consider what you may be able to offer to support your local church. Your skills and time will be much valued and if by chance you would like to make a regular financial giving to support your local church, there are Parish Giving Booklets available should you wish to make a regular commitment to give financially and donation buttons on some websites for occasional gifting. We thank you so much for your generous and wonderful support to date, which is so very much appreciated - offered in so many different ways: time, gifts, skills and talents.. all so very valued and valuable.

Our social events are returning and life is getting busier, but it is a joy to see folks being able to meet and enjoy time together.

This Sunday's services are:

9.30am Chalgrave Church- Morning Praise service led by Linda, with visiting speaker from 'Compassion' charity.

9.30am Harlington Church - Holy Communion service led by Nigel and Robert

11am Toddington Church - Holy Communion Service led by Linda, with visiting speaker from 'Compassion' charity.

11am Westoning Church - Holy Communion Service led by Nigel

3pm Tingrith Church, with choir, A Stewardship Service, led by Nigel and Linda

6pm Upper Room, by zoom, with a theme this week of Bible Sunday. Meeting ID: 863 0266 3273. Please contact Linda or Nigel for password

This week's services and events:

Monday - Morning Prayer at Toddington Church 9.30am

Monday - 7.45pm Quintet online Alpha session - this week about reading the Bible

Tuesday - Toddington 4-6pm Youth Group meet at the Rectory

Tuesday - Westoning 10-12 noon Westcaf at Westoning Village Hall

Tuesday - Westoning PCC 7.30pm by zoom. Link to be issued by Nigel

Wednesday - 10am Morning Service at Harlington

Wednesday - 11am Funeral at Toddington

Friday - Ladies Fellowship 2pm Westoning Village Hall

Saturday - Alpha Holy Spirit Day at Flitwick Cricket Club - 9.30am until 2pm.

Saturday - Westoning Twig Light Party 3-5pm, Westoning Village Hall (more information from Rebecca or Nigel)

I have not doubt we will have missed something! There is so much happening now. Please also check on your local church websites and The 'A Church Near You' church pages.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

God bless

Linda and Nigel