Our video Remembered With Love service covers all 3 churches in our Benefice beautiful hymns and music from the musicians and singers from St Martins in the Fields and the Royal School of Church Music. You will find the Order if Service and the video at https://3churches.uk/remembered-with-love-2021/Names of those we are remembering appear at 4 places in the video at approx. 7 mins 40 seconds, 15 mins 50 seconds, 24 min 50 seconds and 32 mins 30 seconds There are individual Remembered With Love services being held in each Church on 31 October as well as a Benefice Holy Communion service. 11:00 am Pulloxhill - United Benefice Holy Communion led by Rev David Payne 3:00 pm Silsoe - Remembered With Love led by Rev Anna Garvie and Simon Stranks 3:00 pm Flitton - Remembered With Love led by Rev David Payne and Margaret Butt 6:00 pm Pulloxhill - Remembered With Love led by Rev Anne Barker