About Us
Welcome to St James the Great, Silsoe - we are part of the Benefice of Flitton, Pulloxhill and Silsoe
Our vision for our Church is for it to grow as a beacon of Christ's light in our community and we seek to operate by a set of values of:
Welcome - Prayer - Community - Friendship - Christ Centred
Our Vicars are the Reverend Simon Moore and the Reverend Louise Moore, who joined us in July 2022.
We fully support and endorse the Church of England's safeguarding policies for children, young people and adults. You can find full details of our safeguarding policies and Safeguarding Officer on our website at silsoe.3churches.uk/safeguarding-silsoe. Information on the Church of England’s National Safeguarding can be found here and information about Safeguarding in the Diocese of St. Albans can be found here