Announcing a New Vicar for Redbourn


We are pleased to announce that The Rev’d Rachel Wakefield, currently Assistant Curate of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City, has been appointed Vicar of the Benefice of Redbourn, St Mary.

The Institution and Installation service will take place on Monday 4th September 2023 at 7.30 pm.

Please remember Rachel and her husband Martin and the family in your prayers.

We are absolutely delighted to be able to share this good news. Rachel is a very accomplished and experienced person, having been involved for many years in communications and more recently in Christian ministry. We look forward to welcoming her in September.

Much of the coming months will be spent in preparation for her starting the new job in September. More details will be released over the coming weeks.

Paul Vernon and Michelle Parry-Slater, Churchwardens