About Us
We are a mission-shaped church, a community of outward-looking Christians. We have a Mission Action Plan that guides our mission and work as a church in the community. We also support mission and projects locally and overseas.
We believe... in a God who is living and active in the world.
God the Father who created the world and loves us and wants to be in relationship with us.
God the Son, Jesus, who lived on earth and showed us more about who God is. He died on the cross so our sins can be forgiven and He rose again to life to reveal that death is not the end.
God the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the lives of believers, and is with us always.
Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life in all its fullness.” John 10:10
Pastoral support and Social action...
God’s love visible to others. We have a pastoral team who visit those who are poorly, housebound or in hospital. Do contact us if you know of someone who would appreciate a visit. We are part of the local Street Pastors network and regularly go out in Reigate. We are also involved in the community Winter Night Shelter project. Is there another need in the community that we may be able to fulfil?