Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St John the Baptist Church, Markyate
Church End, Markyate, AL3 8PY Markyate, Herts St. Albans, AL3 8PY, United Kingdom

This is our weekday communion service held normally every Wednesday. A quiet half an hour: prayers, music but no hymns and a reflection.

If no celebrant is available then this service will be held as a Morning Prayer service

St John's Choir Practice

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St John the Baptist Church, Markyate
Church End, Markyate, AL3 8PY Markyate, Herts St. Albans, AL3 8PY, United Kingdom

The church choir meet every week to rehearse music for the following Sunday service and to learn new repertoire for the future

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Every Friday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St John the Baptist Church, Markyate
Church End, Markyate, AL3 8PY Markyate, Herts St. Albans, AL3 8PY, United Kingdom

A lively, after school group for children and their parents or carers. We meet at about 5pm (never mind if you're a bit late). Parents take turns to cook a simple meal which the children share around a table. We have some free play, a Bible story, then we sing and end with a prayer. We love it: come and join us.

From birth to about 12.

Live@5 meets in school term times only.

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Baptist Church, Markyate
Church End, Markyate, AL3 8PY Markyate, Herts St. Albans, AL3 8PY, United Kingdom

Our main Sunday service, usually with a choir and organist when available, of traditional holy communion. On the first Sunday of the month this becomes a family service suitable for children. On all Sundays children can attend Rise and Shine in the Christina Room during the main service.

Choral Evensong

In January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Baptist Church, Markyate
Church End, Markyate, AL3 8PY Markyate, Herts St. Albans, AL3 8PY, United Kingdom

A hugely experienced choir sing choral evensong once a month (normally the second Sunday) for most months of the year.
It is as well to check specific details on our website as it may be moved occasionally to suit the annual church calendar

Next Choral Evensong: 12 May 2024 at 6pm at St John's, then 30 June at 6pm, when we will welcome our new curate.

Bible Book Club

Monthly. Every Second Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St John the Baptist Church, Markyate
Church End, Markyate, AL3 8PY Markyate, Herts St. Albans, AL3 8PY, United Kingdom

Come and refresh, renew or kick start your Bible knowledge. For details see the file attached.