Ash Wednesday Holy Communion

for 1 hour
All Saints
129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

We meet for this profound and beautiful reminder that 'you are dust to dust you shall return'. A traditional communion service with sermon to begin the season of Lent.

Busy Bunnies Toddler Group

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
All Saints
129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

This is an open group for toddlers & their parents or carers. All are welcome to come on Thursdays from 9.30-11.30am during term time. No need to book ahead.

We have many toys, games and even a bouncy castle!

Tea and coffee are available for grown ups and a drink and a healthy snack for the little ones.

This friendly group is a lovely opportunity to meet people and to talk and play in a safe environment. Donations of £1.50 requested for a grown up and child and 50p for each additional child.

Baby changing facilities onsite.

Join our Facebook group to get up to date info

Each Thursday in term time

Thursday Holy Communion

Every First, Third Thursday at for 45 mins
All Saints
All Saints, 129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

A beautiful and simple said service of Holy Communion. There are prayers, readings, and a short sermon followed by the receiving of communion. All are welcome to join and we use clear service books. We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month.

Thursday Holy Communion

Every First, Third Thursday at for 45 mins
All Saints
129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

A beautiful and simple said service of Holy Communion. There are prayers, readings, and a short sermon followed by the receiving of communion. All are welcome to join and we use clear service books. We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month.

Sunday Service - online and onsite

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints
129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

We meet for worship at 10am every Sunday. You can join onsite in the building or online via Zoom. Wherever people join from they are able to participate and contribute and we make every effort to include all.

Week by week we alternate between a Holy Communion service and a more informal Service of the Word. We have strong sense of family as people join from the whole age spectrum.

Sunday Club for children of all school ages runs in the hall during part of the service. For those who join on Zoom, activities are also sent out during the week. There is a chance for the children to share what they have been doing so that we all learn from one another. Please email [email protected] to access the children's materials.

Joining details for our Zoom services are available to members through weekly emails. Details can be obtained from our Associate Vicar – [email protected] , the Parish Office – [email protected], or any member of the congregation you may know.

Walking for Lent

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
All Saints
129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

5.30pm each Tuesday in Lent
beginning 11 March

We will meet at All Saints Church, AL5 4UU and walk mindfully through Batford Springs Nature Reserve, pausing to hear readings, poems and prayers to help us reflect on life in this season

Finish after 45mins at the Marquis of Granby, those who wish can stay for a drink

Working Party

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
All Saints
129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

Come and enjoy the company of friends new and old as we care for the grounds at All Saints’ church. There are rewarding and important tasks to do both inside and outside. Come dressed appropriately for whatever you would like to help with. You are welcome whether you have been involved before or never at all.

Some jobs help our Eco Church projects, some the maintenance of the building / land, some decorative.

Refreshments are provided.

Youth Group - 'SAS'

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 2 hours
All Saints
129 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom

Youth group for anyone in year 6 - 10.
Friends, games, pizza, and a chance to talk about the big things in life.
We have table tennis, pool table, nintendo switch, arts and crafts, music.