Sung Eucharist

Every First, Second, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Matthews Oxhey
St Matthew's Close Eastbury Road Watford, WD19 4ST, United Kingdom

A regular Sung Eucharist Service is now being held at 10.00 every Sunday morning although, at the moment, this is still in one kind (bread) only. We use a traditional form of worship which is open to all ages. Sunday School is still on-line at the moment, please email [email protected] for details of how to join. Children are always welcome at our services and our children's Play and Pray area has now be reinstated.

Holy Eucharist

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Thursday at for 30 mins
St Matthews Oxhey
St Matthew's Close Eastbury Road Watford, WD19 4ST, United Kingdom

A quiet time mid-week to sustain and refresh. Followed by coffee.

There is no service on Maundy Thursday - see our evening service for alternatives.

Bookswap and Craft social Club

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 120 hours
St Matthews Oxhey
St Matthew's Close Eastbury Road Watford, WD19 4ST, United Kingdom

More than just a Bookswap. Come along at any time between 2.00 and 4.00pm for tea/coffee, cake and a chat with old friends or those you haven't met before while you change your books and do your knitting etc if you want to.

Visit our website to join our mailing list to receive updates or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

All Age Service

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every Last Sunday at for 50 mins
St Matthews Oxhey
St Matthews Oxhey, Eastbury Road Watford, WD19 4ST, United Kingdom

This is a simplified service aimed at encouraging younger members of the congregation to take part in the whole service. Children of all ages are welcome (there is no tutting over noise) and the Vestry is open if they need changing.

Thursday service with afternoon tea

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December. Every First Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthews Oxhey
St Matthew's Close Eastbury Road Watford, WD19 4ST, United Kingdom

On the first Thursday of the month we have an afternoon get together with tea and cake at 2.30 followed by a said Holy Eucharist service at 3.30pm. You can come to both or just for one or the other. It was designed for those who find it difficult to get to church on Sunday mornings but is open to everyone.