Facilities and features
Plenty of toilets in our Community Centre
In the accessible toilets in our Community Centre
Parking for about 16 cars on driveway and usually plenty in surrounding roads
On every floor of our Community Centre
Asphalt area immediately outside church gates
At the entrance to the community centre
Portable ramps into Church North doors. Community Centre is level access
In church
Large print order of service are available. Multi media services are held twice a month and paper copies are available for those who need them.
Assistance dogs are very welcome at St John's
And Gluten-Free communion bread too
Our Building
Eco Church Bronze Award
Grade II*
Music and Worship
Very active, prize-winning bell tower.
Regular concerts by The Band of the Royal Surrey Yeomanry, Vocal Dimension, The Include Choir and St John's Church Choir.
Father Willis
Every Sunday morning at 8.00 am
Very accomplished mixed choir
Plays every 2nd Sunday for Multi-Media Family Service
Groups, Courses and Activities
Afta8z for 14+ meets alternate Tuesday evenings for fun activities
Tots on Tuesday
Help for Visitors
Other Features
The Community Centre has several spaces of different sizes to suit different needs