Easter Monday walk to St Albans Abbey

for 6 hours, 30 mins
St Lawrence
High Street Abbots Langley Herts, WD5 0AS, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join the Easter Monday walk to St Albans Abbey. Communion at 9.30am in St Lawrence Church, breakfast at 10am (please let us know you are coming so that we can cater for you). Leave from the car park at 11am. Bring a packed lunch to eat outside the Abbey before the service, arrival at the Abbey should be 1pm. The service at the Abbey starts at 3pm and will be finished by 4pm.

St Lawrence

Get in touch

Amanda Hawkes

St Lawrence Church Office
High Street
Abbots Langley

Parish Administrator
01923 261795
The Revd Dr Peter Waddell (Vicar)
01923 263013

Our website

What's on

Easter Monday walk to St Albans Abbey

for 6 hours, 30 mins
St Lawrence
High Street Abbots Langley Herts, WD5 0AS, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join the Easter Monday walk to St Albans Abbey. Communion at 9.30am in St Lawrence Church, breakfast at 10am (please let us know you are coming so that we can cater for you). Leave from the car park at 11am. Bring a packed lunch to eat outside the Abbey before the service, arrival at the Abbey should be 1pm. The service at the Abbey starts at 3pm and will be finished by 4pm.