Tots & Teddies

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Julian's
3, Abbott's Avenue St. Albans, AL1 2HY, United Kingdom

Service with a story, worship and activities for pre-school children and their carers. There are big push-along toys and big mats for babies. We serve tea, coffee, juice and a snack for the children. Carers bring the snacks (on a rota) - usually one will bring something savoury, one something sweet and one some fruit.
We usually meet in school holidays, often with slightly older children too. Sometimes in Summer Tots there are just informal craft activities and snacks. We don't meet at half-terms or during the Christmas and Easter holidays.
There is more information on the Tots & Teddies page (under 'About Us').

St Julian's

Our church was built in the 1950s to serve the growing Cottonmill area. Since then, as the Heart of Cottonmill, it's provided flexible space for Christian worship, meetings (for groups including young and old), events, parties and celebrations.

Our Sunday service is live, but some are also recorded and available to follow online. Details are shown on the Services and Events page. Other services in the Parish are held at St Stephen's Church, with its own entry in A Church Near You. 

Get in touch

Parish Office

14 Watling St., St Albans AL1 2PX

Our website

What's on

Tots & Teddies

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Julian's
3, Abbott's Avenue St. Albans, AL1 2HY, United Kingdom

Service with a story, worship and activities for pre-school children and their carers. There are big push-along toys and big mats for babies. We serve tea, coffee, juice and a snack for the children. Carers bring the snacks (on a rota) - usually one will bring something savoury, one something sweet and one some fruit.
We usually meet in school holidays, often with slightly older children too. Sometimes in Summer Tots there are just informal craft activities and snacks. We don't meet at half-terms or during the Christmas and Easter holidays.
There is more information on the Tots & Teddies page (under 'About Us').

St Julian's Charity No. 1131322