Tots & Teddies

Tots and their carers meet at 10:30 on Wednesdays for up to an hour and a half.

Tots & Teddies is a very informal social and worship occasion for pre-school children and their carers. There is a short service with songs and prayer followed by a story and activities for the children including toys.

Tea, coffee, squash and snacks for the children will be available. Carers usually bring snacks for the children - one will bring something savoury, one something sweet and one some fruit - on a rota.

We meet in most school holidays, often with slightly older children too: on some Summer Tots days there are just informal activities and snacks. We don't meet at half term or over Christmas or Easter. Our last service this year is on 18 December: we re-start on 8 January.

We have a lively WhatsApp group, and also a Facebook page: