The FIFA World Cup Final takes place on Sunday 18th December. In 2020 England reached the final of the Euros and the viewing figures were astonishing: Around 25 million people watched on the BBC and 6 million watched on ITV, making 31 million TV viewers. Those figures don’t include those who listened on the radio or gathered to watch the final in pubs and public spaces, of whom there were many thousands if not millions! If we reach the final of the World Cup then it is highly likely that more than half the population will make it a priority to watch… and even if Gareth and the boys don’t get that far the attraction of watching the World Cup Final is very strong for many. So, we have moved our Carol Services to Saturday 17th December. We have All Age Carols at 5pm and the Civic Carol Service with the Choir at 7pm. We would love to invite you to come and hear the good news of Jesus’ birth and why it makes all the difference! Rev Mick Hough, CA Vicar of Holy Trinity
What’s the point of a verse for the year?To keep in front of us throughout the year - to keep returning to it! For our individual encouragement and our inspiration together. So, stick it on your fridge, put it in your Bible, keep it by the side of your bed…put it wherever you’ll see it regularly!I have chosen Isaiah 12: 3 this year because joy and salvation go together in this verse, and they belong together in our lives as we live for Jesus. Joy is a natural response to salvation, joy in our restored relationship with God sustains us in a world where other things may try and rob us of our joy. - Mick
Our Christingle services and Christmas Morning service are all now fully booked. We are operating a waiting list, so please contact us on to add your name to a list. It is important that if you are booked into one of these services but, for some reason, know that you will not be attending please let us know - that will enable us to contact those on the waiting list. Our Christmas Day service at 10.30am will be livestreamed, so if you are not able to make it, or have not yet booked into our Christmas Day service you can join us online. We have made the difficult decision to cancel the Midnight Communion service. Holy Communion is the service where there is the greatest potential for spreading the virus, with lots of people moving around the church. For that same reason we had already made the Christmas Morning service - which is usually a Family Communion - a regular service of word and worship. Christingle will be slightly different this year<span style="font-size: 1rem;">. We will now be giving each child a Christingle kit as they come into church, and inviting you to take them home to assemble them. There is a prayer inside the kit for you to use as you light the Christingle - whether that is Christmas Eve or around the Christmas dinner table! Other than this change, we will share in all of the other familiar elements of this candle-lit service.</span>The service on Sunday 26th December (Boxing Day) will now be a short, all-age service of word and worship. Please book places by emailing - thank you!<span style="font-size: 1rem;"></span> We are keeping the church well-ventilated and as safe as possible for all who come to worship. In keeping with this, we have reintroduced the alternate pew system, so that you will have a free pew in front of you and behind you. Where you share a pew with someone else from outside your household or group, we ask you to respect the space between you.
Join us on Wednesdays straight after school for Jam. Doors open from 3pm and you and your parent/carer can tuck into tea & toast before we enjoy songs & games and art & craft as we learn more about Jesus together! (All children must be accompanied by an adult.)