20 years of Rendezvous!


We are delighted to mark over 20 years of Rendezvous with a service of celebration and thanksgiving on Wednesday 6th March at 10.30am. Our guest preacher will be former Vicar of HT, Canon Gary Jenkins. The service will conclude with refreshments in the church centre and, in true HT style, cake!

Rendezvous set out with the intention of creating a little midweek oasis where people could draw closer to God and to one another. Over the years it has proved a vital part of our outreach to our local community, especially for those who find it difficult to get to church on Sundays. 

We always say that Rendezvous is a service of two halves - the first part in church and the second in the church centre where we enjoy a relaxed time over tea and coffee. Come and celebrate Rendezvous with us - our services are open to all!