About Us
The Benefice of Holy Cross, Sarratt and St Paul's, Chipperfield
About Us - We are two parishes in the county of Hertfordshire, UK. We have a common aim to proclaim Jesus to our villages and to the world around us. With two thriving churches and youth ministry, we are committed to making a difference in our communities. Please visit our Benefice Website for more details and an up to date calendar of events http://www.hcsp.net/
Rector. Revd Sarah Collins [email protected]
Churchwardens: Philip Waine and Judy Olney
Reader: Philip Waine and Angela Coakley
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Sue Walker
Tel: 01923 261847
Email: [email protected]
The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Jeremy Hirst
Tel: 01727 818107
Mobile: 07867 350886
Email: [email protected]
The Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Martyn Hedley
Tel: 01727 818106
Mobile: 07391 010033
Email: [email protected]
Having left Hertfordshire 24 years ago for rural Leicestershire, I am delighted to be returning to the area which is filled with so many fond memories. I have filled my time away with raising three now grown-up children and involving myself in the local community. After many years working with young people, I began developing a variety of new worshipping communities; these ranged from wellbeing groups for young women to Dementia cafés for couples struggling with the changes of early onset dementia amongst others. I started training for ordination at Church Mission Society with Ripon College Cuddesdon in Oxfordshire and was ordained as a Pioneer for the Church of England in 2019, working in both a rural parish as curate and centrally for the diocese supporting Lay pioneers through training and enabling them in their outreach ministry.
I am excited to be returning with my family and getting to know the communities of Sarratt and Chipperfield and hope to hear the ‘hopes and dreams’, the ‘struggles and concerns’ which you each may have for the communities and how I can enable you to develop these and bring the change you wish to see. I have met so many lovely and inspiring people already and am looking forward to meeting so many more of you over the coming years.There are many areas that we would love you to get involved in, within the life of the church. If you would like to find out more please contact Sonya Tolmie (Benefice Office) at [email protected] tel 01923 264377
We could not fulfil our God-given vision without your generous offering of your time, talents and finance. We encourage members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and benefice and the activities associated with them. We give because we want to support the work of God's kingdom in our villages and beyond. This includes the time which we give on church related activities, offering any special expertise which we may have that could be of use to the church and making sure that the church has sufficient financial support to function efficiently. To enable the churches to budget and plan their expenditure, we encourage those who can to give regularly and to use gift aid, where appropriate.