Our Vision: A flexible, warm and welcoming space at the heart of the communityIn frequent use by both church and local residentsA sustainable future for our beautiful buildingThe Benefits A modern, well equipped meeting and activity space for toddler groups, exercise and hobby classesA church we can arrange for different worship styles, concerts and fundraising eventsOn site hospitality for baptism, wedding and funeral gatherings
Pilgrim creates a place where people can explore the Christian faith together and see how it can be lived out each day. We’ve been running Pilgrim courses successfully at St Lawrence for over eight years. The Pilgrim course is for: · Those who have recently started coming to church · Those who want the chance to think about the Christian faith · Those who have been coming to church for a while and want to deepen their faith Pilgrim approaches the great issues of faith not through persuasion, but participation in a pattern of contemplation and discussion with a group of fellow travellers. We will be running module two of the Pilgrim course shortly. There are six sessions and we will meet weekly or fortnightly to fit around people’s diaries. If you would like to come but cannot make the first session do please get in touch and we will fit you in to future meetings. It doesn't matter if you haven't followed module one, each module is self contained. You can watch the introductory video by searching ‘Pilgrim course’ and going to ‘What is Pilgrim?’ or clicking http://www.pilgrimcourse.org/about-pilgrim For more information please speak to Charles after church, call him on 833298 or e-mail vicar@stlawrencebovingdson.com .
I am writing this in March on the morning after we were granted planning permission by Dacorum Borough Council to build an extension onto our church. This momentous news is the culmination of a long process and much hard work by our project team and our architect Francesca Weal. We have also had great support from the Parish Council, all three District Councillors and members of the community. I am particularly grateful to four families with graves under or very close to the proposed scheme who have given their support. The extension will give us modern and flexible facilities for church and community groups, alongside proper disabled toilets, a small kitchen and office. We still have a number of hurdles to jump before we can start building work. First, we have to obtain formal approval from the church authorities (the Diocese of St Albans). Secondly we intend to sell our existing Hall in Vicarage Lane in order to raise much needed funds. Thirdly we are committed to carrying out a detailed archaeological survey of the ground affected so that we can minimise disturbance to existing graves. Then we need to raise a lot more money – somewhere in the region of £750,000 over and above what we get for the Hall. We will keep you posted with regular updates and progress reports on our website and via displays in church.